Designed, Built, Tested
Board pictured here has been fully assembled and tested.



Size, cost and complexity are some issues facing Power Electronics Engineers when it comes to designing a power solution for high power FPGAs. The Mulltiphase Controller, Multiphase Powerstage and MAX77812 are just some of the Maxim ICs which eliminate these issues when completing a high power, multiple output design. The combination of the highly integrated Multiphase Controller with the Multiphase Powerstage ICs eliminates the need for many external components when designing for a high current rail. While our highly efficient MAX77812 PMIC easily manages the lower power rail requirements.

In this design a single 12V input supplies a circuit which outputs 6 separate rails ranging from 500mW to 130W.

The design is specified to meet the XILINX Versal ACAP AI Core Series UC1/3 requirements. The design layout is also optimized for the Versal ACAP IC.



There are 16 ICs used in total:

  • 1 Multiphase Controller IC
  • 8 Multiphase Powerstage ICs (configurable from 1–8+ phases for an optimized solution)
  • 2 9A POL switching regulator ICs
  • 1 MAX77812 PMIC
  • 1 MAXM17574 module IC
  • 1 MAX15103 LDO IC
  • 1 MAX15101 LDO IC
  • 1 MAX40010 CSA IC

Other features include the following:

  • Single 12V supply
  • X% Efficiency
  • Optimized layout for Versal ACAP IC
  • Small solution size
  • Highly scalable


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