- MRD106 Ambient Temperature
- MRD106 Enclosure Mechanical Design
- MRD106 Evkit Board
- MRD106 Skin Temperature
型番に"Z"が付いているものは、RoHS対応製品です。 本回路の評価には以下の評価用ボードが必要です。
- MAXREFDES106# ($650.00) Health Sensor Platform 4.0
- フォトプレチスモグラフィ(PPG:光電式容積脈波記録法)
- 生体電位測定(ECG:心電図検査)
- 生体インピーダンス測定(BioZ)
- 皮膚/周囲温度
- 埋め込み型心拍数(HR)、呼吸数(RR)、酸素飽和度(SpO2:経皮的動脈血酸素飽和度)、インピーダンス・カルジオグラフィ(ICG)、生体インピーダンス分析(BIA)のアルゴリズム
- 胸部上の最適な配置位置を決定する位置探知機
- モーションと加速度
- 胸部装着型のフォーム・ファクタ
- 遠隔患者モニタリング/バイタル・サイン用パッチ
Details Section
The MAXREFDES106# enables the quick evaluation of the hardware and embedded firmware for blood oxygenation (SpO2), heart rate (HR), respiration rate (RR), impedance cardiography (ICG), body impedance analysis (BIA), and skin/ambient temperatures for a chest-worn platform, which significantly shortens the development time for custom fitness, health, and clinical applications. Figure 1 shows the system diagram of MAXREFDES106#. Figure 2 is the summary of monitored vital signs, SpO2, ECG, RESP and Ambient/Skin temperatures.
The MAXREFDES106# platform includes the following key components:
- Sensor board:
- MAX86178 PPG/ECG/BioZ AFE, optical sensor with one Infrared light emitting diode (LED), one Red LED, and two photodiodes
- MAX32674C algo hub with an embedded algorithm of SpO2 monitoring
- MAX20356 power-management integrated circuit (PMIC)
- ADXL367 low-power, low-noise 3-axis accelerometer
- MAX32666 host MCU with on-board Bluetooth 5
- 256MB flash storage
- Temperature boards include one flexible PCB and one rigid PCB with the MAX30210 connected to an aluminum disc, respectively, for optimal skin and ambient temperature measurements.
- MAXDAP-TYPE-C board for use during a firmware upgrade for the micro board.
- 3D-printed enclosures and 3M double-sided tape.
- BLE USB dongle to ensure high data rate.
- Hardware design files, firmware, and software.
Figure 1. System Diagram.
Figure 2. GUI Vital Signs Plots Summary.
Documentation & Resources
MAXREFDES106 Design Files2022/12/15ZIP12 M
MAXREFDES106: Health Sensor Platform 4.0 User Guide (Rev. 2)2024/09/03PDF9 M
Unboxing MAXREFDES1062024/12/12
ADI´s Health Sensor Platform 4.02024/12/12
Body Vitals on Wearables: Your Body, Talking to You2024/12/12
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