ADSP-218x/ADSP-219x Code Examples
ADSP-218x Application Code Examples
Please note: By downloading these code examples, you are bound by the terms in the Analog Devices Software Code License Agreement. (pdf)
Serial Port Loop Back Examples (zip)
Examples to demonstrate the serial port functionality in core driven and auto buffer modes.
Mixed C and ASM programs (zip)
C calling assembly program, Assembly calling C programming, Passing parameters from C to ASM function etc.
Timer (zip)
Program to demonstrate the Timer functionality.
BDMA (zip)
Program to demonstrate the Byte DMA (BDMA) functionality.
IDMA (zip)
Program to demonstrate the IDMA functionality using loop back.
Talk through Programs (zip)
C talk through programs for the ADSP-2181 and ADSP-2189M EZ-KITs.
Flag toggling code (zip)
Simple code to demonstrate the LED blink through the Flag.
ADSP-219x Single-Core Optimized Example Code
ADSP-219x FIR Filter
ADSP-219x FIR.txt - Last Updated: June 23, 2001
The files contained in ADSP-219x implement an FIR filter per the equation below given input consisting of filter coefficients and samples.
Equation: y(n) = Summation from k=0 to M of h(k) * x(n-k)
Sample input data, filter coefficients, and expected output values are included to aid users in verifying proper results.
ADSP-219x IIR Filter
ADSP-219x IIR.txt - 1st Updated: June 23, 2001
The files contained in ADSP-219x implement an IIR filter per the equation below given input consisting of filter coefficients and samples.
Equation: w(n) = x(n) + A1*w(n-1) + A2*w(n-2)
y(n) = w(n) + B1*w(n-1) + B2*w(n-2) (single biquad structure)
Sample input data, filter coefficients, and expected output values are included to aid users in verifying proper results.
ADSP-219x Complex Rad2 FFT
ADSP-219x Complex Rad2
ADSP-219x Complex Rad2 FFT.txt - Last Updated: June 23, 2001
The files contained in ADSP-219x Complex Rad2 implement a single-core radix-2 FFT of length 64 or greater.
ADSP-219x Viterbi Decoder
ADSP-219x Viterbi
ADSP-219x Viterbi Decoder.txt - Last Updated: June 21, 2001
The files contained in ADSP-219x Viterbi implement a 1/2 rate Viterbi Decoder given a soft decision input.
Sample input data and expected output values are included to aid users in verifying proper results.