ADAM: A Complete Autonomous Mobile Robot Solution from ADI
Watch this video to see A.D.A.M. (Analog Devices Autonomous Mobot) – an open-source mobile robot platform, used to develop and test next generation mobile robotics technologies.
Learn how Analog Devices uses cutting-edge technology to provide AMR ecosystem solutions for highly accurate depth sensing, smart AI processing and mapping, optimal communications, and battery management.
The ROS software drivers enable modular hardware and software integration and accelerate time to market. Witness how an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) is deployed for optimal control and guidance, while identifying and avoiding obstacles.
ADAM: A Complete Autonomous Mobile Robot Solution from ADI
Watch this video to see A.D.A.M. (Analog Devices Autonomous Mobot) – an open-source mobile robot platform, used to develop and test next generation mobile robotics technologies.
Learn how Analog Devices uses cutting-edge technology to provide AMR ecosystem solutions for highly accurate depth sensing, smart AI processing and mapping, optimal communications, and battery management.
The ROS software drivers enable modular hardware and software integration and accelerate time to market. Witness how an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) is deployed for optimal control and guidance, while identifying and avoiding obstacles.
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