

  • Flexible inertial sensor evaluation platform
    • Single main board operates with interchangeable satellite boards
  • Separates DUT from controller for accurate environmental testing
  • Continuous stream to file data recording
  • Standard USB cable for power and communications
  • PC-based graphical user interface (GUI)
  • Fast, easy installation


The iMEMS® ADXL346 inertial sensor evaluation system is an easy-to-use evaluation tool targeting bench or desktop characterization of Analog Devices, Inc., inertial sensor products. The system consists of the inertial sensor evaluation board (ISEB), or main board, and a satellite board for any Analog Devices inertial sensor product. The ISEB connects directly to a PC via an USB cable, with the USB connection providing both communications and power to the board. The ISEB is connected to the satellite board through a ribbon cable. This cable allows the satellite to be easily manipulated for testing or separately placed into an environmental chamber for temperature or humidity testing. Separating the boards mitigates corruption of data due to the temperature and humidity effects of other components.

The ISEB is an universal main board and is intended to be used with various satellites of Analog Devices inertial sensors, including analog and digital accelerometers, as well as gyroscopes. The different products are evaluated by means of separate GUIs that are customized for performance and characterization measurements relevant to the inertial sensor being evaluated.

The EVAL-ADXL346Z-M system contains the ISEB and the EVAL-ADXL346Z-S satellite. Also included is an USB A to Mini-B cable to connect the ISEB to a PC and an 18-inch, 20-pin ribbon cable to connect the ISEB to the satellite.