

  • 40 A (source), 30 A (sink) peak drive output capability
  • Output power device resistance: 0.38 Ω per MOSFET
  • Test infrastructure for
    • SPI communication
    • Slew-rate control
    • Desaturation detection
    • Miller drive
    • Active short-circuit
    • Temperature sensing
    • Fault reporting
    • Multiple dummy loads


The EVAL-ADuM4177EBZ evaluation board shows the advanced features of the ADuM4177 while maintaining flexibility in a testing environment. The EVAL-ADuM4177EBZ evaluation board layout delivers a circuit that is easy to control through jumper pins and with access to all of the pins through headers and input and output connectors. A more optimized layout is possible that increases the performance of the system.

The EVAL-ADuM4177EBZ evaluation board works with the USB-SDP-CABLEZ programming cable to access the secondary side electronically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) and includes the option to drive the serial-peripheral interface (SPI) bus with any other SPI compatible system. The USB-SDP-CABLEZ operates with a 3.3 V logic supply, while the ADuM4177 is typically powered with 5 V. Resistor dividers are added on the SPI channels to allow interfacing.

The user guide shows how to use the ADuM4177 evaluation board to perform basic evaluations such as propagation delay testing, active short-circuit (ASC) function, and desaturation (DESAT). The user guide also shows how to use the evaluation software to access the user configurable bits and explains how to simulate EEPROM settings and program bits into nonvolatile memory.

Full specifications on the ADuM4177 are available in the ADuM4177 data sheet available from Analog Devices, Inc., and must be consulted with the user guide when using the EVAL-ADuM4177EBZ evaluation board.



  • Three variable power supplies up to 25 V and 1 A
  • USB-SDP-CABLEZ required for SPI communication
  • Signal generator
  • Oscilloscope

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