- Supports the detection of UART
- UDP Transfer Capability
- ADPD103 full configuration
- Register Level
- Parameter Level
- Graph View
- Time Graph
- Frequency Graph
The EVAL-ADPD103Z-GEN evaluation board provides the user with a simple means of connecting their own optics to the ADPD103 photometric front end to evaluate the ADPD103 in a number of different applications, from vital signs monitoring to industrial sensing. The evaluation board includes the OpenMarket WaveTool graphical user interface (GUI) that provides the user with low level and high level configurability, real-time frequency and time domain analysis, and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) transfer capability so that the evaluation board can easily interface to the user’s development system.
The USB port powers the EVAL-ADPD103Z-GEN. On-board voltage regulators provide voltage supplies for the ADPD103, ADuCM360, and FTDI Chip FT232. There are on-board regulators that provide 3.3 V and 4.3 V LED supplies, as well as a selectable option to add an external LED supply. The evaluation board provides an LED and photodiode (PD) for a finger photo-plethysmography (PPG) measurement that is useful for a quick functionality check of the evaluation system.
The schematic and board layout, as well as the board itself, indicate signal names for easy identification. For additional information on the functionality of the ADPD103, refer to the ADPD103 datasheet.
UG-947: Evaluating the ADPD103 Photometric Front End (Rev. 0)2016/04/21PDF1 M
ADPD103 Layout Files (Rev. A)2016/06/01PDF360 K
ADPD103 Evaluation Board Schematic (Rev. A)2016/06/01PDF227 K