

ADL5812-EVALZ is a fully populated, 4-layer, Rogers 3003-based evaluation board. It requires 5 V/370 mA or 3.6/267 mA power supply for normal operation. The power supply should be connected to the  clip leads, labeled VPOS and AGND. All signal ports are populated with edge-mounted SMA connectors. RFIN1 and RFIN2 are the RF input ports of each channel, and LOIN is the common LO input port. The IF output ports, IFOP1 and IFOP2, are configured for single-ended output signaling via the on-board transformers. The IFON1 and IFON2 ports provide the option for IF differential interfacing, with R21 and R22 resistor removal. The evaluation board can be programmed through the USB port of a PC running Windows XP or Vista with Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 installed. The required control software can be downloaded from www.analog.com.