- Simple power connection using 6 V wall adapter and on-board LDO voltage regulators
- LDOs are easily bypassed for power measurements
- 5 ac-coupled differential LVDS SMA connectors
- 7 LVDS differential headers for additional outputs
- SMA connectors for
2 reference inputs
Charge pump output
Clock distribution input - USB connection to PC
- Microsoft Windows-based evaluation software with simple graphical user interface
- On-board PLL loop filter
- Easy access to digital I/O and diagnostic signals via I/O header
- Status LEDs for diagnostic signals
The AD9522-x (hereafter referred to as AD9522) is a very low noise PLL clock synthesizer featuring an integrated VCO, clock dividers, and up to 24 outputs. The AD9522 features automatic holdover and a flexible reference input circuit allowing for very smooth reference clock switching. The AD9522 family also features the necessary provisions for an external VCXO.
The AD9522 evaluation board is a compact, easy to use platform for evaluating all features of the AD9522.
AD9522 Schematic (Rev. A)2012/09/17PDF248 K
UG-077: AD9522-x Evaluation Board User Guide (Rev. 0)2010/01/28PDF927 K
AD9522-4 Evaluation Board Register Setup2012/09/17
AD9522 Simulation File for the ADIsimCLK2012/09/17
AD9522 Bill of Materials (Rev. A)2012/09/17XLS44 K