- K type thermocouple (provided)
- Low cost
- Pretrimmed for K type thermocouple
- Internal cold junction compensation
- Reference pin allows offset adjustment
This user guide is a description of functionality for the AD8494 series evaluation board. The evaluation board can be configured for the AD8494, AD8495, AD8496, and AD8497 to ensure that the metals and alloys are properly matched for the thermocouple type for which the device is trimmed. The 4-layer evaluation board is designed to allow users to quickly prototype the precision thermocouple amplifiers for various user defined configurations for different applications. The evaluation board has three modes of operation: linear mode, setpoint controller mode, and hysteresis on setpoint controller mode.
The AD8494/AD8495/AD8496/AD8497 data sheet is available at www.analog.com. This data sheet provides additional information on the AD8494, AD8495, AD8496, and AD8497 and must be consulted in conjunction with this user guide when using the evaluation board.
UG-1421: AD8494 Series Evaluation Board2019/11/20PDF310 K