Demonstration circuit 1669 features the LTM4627EV μModule regulator, a high‐performance high efficiency step‐down regulator. The LTM4627EV has an operating input voltage range of 4.5V to 20V and is able to provide an output current of up to 15A. The output voltage is programmable from 0.6V to 5V and can be remotely sensed with the internal optional differential remote sensing amplifier. The LTM4627EV is a complete DC‐DC point of load regulator in a thermally enhanced 15mm x 15mm x 4.32mm LGA package requiring only a few input and output capacitors. This regulator is internally compensated and employs constant frequency current mode architecture, enabling a fast transient response and stable control loop over a wide range of output capacitance. It supports frequency synchronization and Burst Mode® operation for increased light load efficiency. Output voltage tracking is also available through the TRACK/SS pin for supply rail sequencing. The LTM4627 datasheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual for working on or modifying demo circuit 1669.
DC1669B - Schematic2017/08/21PDF75K
DC1669B - Demo Manual2017/08/18PDF408K
DC1669B - Design Files2017/08/21ZIP4M