Demonstration circuit 1412A features the LT3758EMSE in a 300kHz Flyback converter circuit, designed for 3.3V/3A output from a 18V to 75V input. The LT3758EMSE operates over an input range of 5.5V to 100V, suitable for automotive, telecom and industrial applications. It also exhibits low shutdown quiescent current of 1μA, making them an ideal fit for battery-operated systems. Thanks to a novel FBX pin architecture, the LT3758EMSE can be connected directly to a divider from either a positive output or a negative output to ground.
DC1412A - Schematic2009/10/22PDF39K
DC1412A - Demo Manual2009/10/22PDF81K
DC1412A - Design Files2009/10/22ZIP2M