Demo Circuit 1402 is a Highly Integrated 6-Channel Portable PMIC featuring the LTC3577 and LTC3577-1, which include a push button controller, two 150mA LDOs, three synchronous buck converters (800mA, 500mA, 500mA), a Li-Ion battery charger, a Power-Path controller, and high voltage buck controller interface that allows the board to control a separate LTC high voltage buck converter demo board to drive an LED (included with the demo board). Do not look directly at the operating LED as this circuit produces light that can damage eyes. The board can be power with a 1.6V to 5.5V DC input supply, a USB input or a 5V wall adapter.
DC1402A - Schematic2009/10/22PDF105K
DC1402A - Demo Manual2009/10/22PDF964K
DC1402A - Design Files2009/10/22ZIP1M