The ADIS16334/PCBZ is a "breakout board," which provides (1) ADIS16334BMLZ, (1) flexible cable and (1) interface PCB to simplify the process of "prototyping" during the early stages of system design and evaluation. The ADIS16334BMLZ is a fully-calibrated, MEMS IMU, which provides a serial peripheral interface (SPI) for all digital communications. It provides a dual-row, 24-pin connector interface that minimizes board space but does not support standard ribbon cable connections. The flexible cable and interface PCB provides access to the ADIS16334BMLZ, using dual-row, 12-pin connectors, which supports standard ribbon cable systems and hand-soldering connection techniques.関連資料
ADIS1633x Demonstration Tips Using IMU_6DOF2011/03/24PDF381 kB
ADIS1633x-ADISUSB Installation Guide2011/02/19PDF385 kB
ADIS1633x Evaluation Tool Ordering Guide2011/02/17PDF289 kB
ADIS1633x/PCB Prototyping Tips2011/02/17PDF284 kB
ADIS16334/PCBZ Data Sheet (Rev. B)2011/02/11PDF#PAGE=19