

  • Highly optimized design for multi channel operation.
  • Provision to choose a high bandwidth filter to reproduce high frequency components accurately.
  • Output Status: Output sample rate, number of output channels and number of output samples per channel.
  • API: C callable 'Push' API
  • Error Codes: Reports up to 9 unique error codes
  • Code compatible across all ADSP-2136x and ADSP-214xx SHARC processors
  • Target Processor: Optimized for SHARC Processor Architecture ADSP-2136x and ADSP-214xx
  • Framework Dependencies: None
  • Release Format: Object Code with source code wrapper
  • Input format: 32-bit floating point (range -1.0 to 1.0) or 32-bit fixed point in 1.31 format.
  • Output format: 32-bit floating point (range -1.0 to 1.0).
  • Input and Output buffer samples per block: Variable.
  • Input Sample Rates: 32000Hz, 44100Hz and 48000Hz.
  • Output Sample Rates: 32000Hz, 44100Hz and 48000Hz.
  • Multi-channel: Fully re-entrant and multi-instancing capable


Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter (ASRC) is used for audio sampling rate conversion in both consumer and professional applications. The ASRC software module supports a variety of sample rate configurations. The ASRC software module can be used to change the sampling frequency in small steps which vary with time without producing any audible artifacts in the output, during the change. Such a time varying sampling rate change is a very important functionality in many multimedia systems, for example in achieving fine synchronization among various streams.


MIPS summary:

SHARC Processor Family  Code RAM (RiB)  Data RAM (KiB) Constant Data Tables (KiB)  MIPS Number of Channels
 1-Ch 6-Ch 
ADSP-214xx 5646 9520 (68 + (num_chans * 194)) * 4 + (30 + (num_chans*229))) * 4  12.6 24.95
ADSP-213xx 8040  9520  (68 + (num_chans * 194)) * 4 + (30 + (num_chans*229))) * 4 12.31  25.10 

  • num_chans – Number of channels
  • MIPS measured using standard bandwidth filter , input sample rate 44.1 KHz and output sample rate 48kHz, optimal memory layout with all code and data placed in internal memory, using filter set A.
  • "Data RAM" includes Scratch, Instance/State memory for one instance.
  • Data RAM and Constant data memory requirement is for a system which supports 44.1kHz-48kHz conversion using Filter Set A.
  • The memory requirement for input and output buffers are not mentioned, as the application can choose the appropriate size for these buffers.
  • 1 KiB = 1024 bytes


  • Windows XP Professional SP3 (32-bit only).
  • Windows Vista Business/Enterprise/Ultimate SP2 (32-bit only). It is recommended to install the software in a non-UAC-protected location
  • Windows 7 Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate (32 and 64-bit). It is recommended to install the software in a non-UAC-protected location.
  • Minimum of 2 GHz single core processor, 3.3 GHz dual core is recommended.
  • Minimum of 1 GB memory (RAM), 4 GB is recommended.
  • Minimum of 2 GB hard disk (HDD) space is required.
  • CrossCore® Embedded Studio for Analog Devices Processors.

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