PMBus Protocols for Controlling and Monitoring the MAX20743/MAX20730 Switching Regulators
The MAX20743/MAX20730 fully integrated switching regulators include a serial bus (PMBus) that supports advanced regulator monitoring and control capabilities. This application note covers the serial interface protocols used for controlling and monitoring the ICs.
MAX20743/MAX20730 PMBus Interface Overview
The MAX20743/MAX20730 fully integrated switching regulators include a serial bus (PMBus™) that supports advanced regulator monitoring and control capabilities. This application note covers the MAX20743/MAX20730 silicon that reports F as the revision through the PMBus manufacturing revision command. The PMBus interface supports a subset of the PMBus 1.2 and SMBus 2.0 specifications. More information about these specifications can be found at and The following PMBus features are supported:
- Static PMBus address programming with external resistors
- Compliant with high-power SMBus DC specification
- Support PMBus protocols
- Write byte/word
- Read byte/word
- Send byte
- Block read
- Packet error checking mechanism support
- SMBALERT# signal
Monitoring Functions
The following monitoring functions are available through the MAX20743/MAX20730 PMBus interface:
- Various fault status
- Parameters programmed using R_SEL configuration resistors
- Input voltage
- Output voltage
- Junction temperature
- Output current
Control Functions
- Overtemperature fault thresholds
- Output current fault threshold
- Output voltage command
- Output voltage minimum and maximum thresholds
- Operation: On and off configuration
- Regulation to power-good delay timing
- Soft-start timing
- Frequency
- Overcurrent protection mode
- Internal gain values
- Output voltage command ramping rate
MAX20743/MAX20730 PMBus Protocol
Write/Read Format
The MAX20743/MAX20730 PMBus interface supports single-byte, dual-byte (word) register read/write, block read, as well as send byte protocols. Table 1 to Table 6 show the format used for all supported operations. Note that packet error checking can be used on any transaction. Table 7 shows the MAX20743/MAX20730 PMBus command codes. A 0x0h written to the WRITE_PROTECT register (Reg_10h) disables the write-protect feature and 0x20h turns on the write protect to all registers except the OPERATION and VOUT_COMMAND registers.
# of bits | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 1 |
S | PMBus Address | W | S-ACK | Command | S-ACK | S | PMBus Address | R | M-ACK | Data Byte | M-NACK | P |
# of bits | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 1 |
S | PMBus Address | W | S-ACK | Command | S-ACK | Data Byte | S-ACK | P |
# of bits | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 1 |
S | PMBus Address | W | S-ACK | Command | S-ACK | S | PMBus Address | R | S-ACK | Data Byte Low | M-ACK | Data Byte High | M-NACK | P |
# of bits | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 1 |
S | PMBus Address | W | S-ACK | Command | S-ACK | Data Byte Low | S-ACK | Data Byte High | S-ACK | P |
# of bits | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 1 |
S | PMBus Address | W | S-ACK | Command | S-ACK | P |
# of bits | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | |
S | PMBus Address | W | S-ACK | Command | S-ACK | S | PMBus Address | R | S-ACK | Byte Count = N | M-ACK | ||
8 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Data Byte 1 | M-ACK | Data Byte 2 | M-ACK | ... | Data Byte N | M-NACK | P |
S | START condition: Clock and data lines initially high. Data transitions low while clock is high. Clock transitions low. |
P | STOP condition: Clock and data lines initially low. Clock transitions high while data is low. Data transitions high. |
R | Read bit (logic-high) |
W | Write bit (logic-low) |
Command | Relevant MAX20743/MAX20730 PMBus register |
S-ACK | Slave acknowledge |
M-ACK | Master acknowledge |
M-NACK | Master no-acknowledge |
Note 1. Packet error check (PEC) can be used in conjunction with these commands.
Note 2. The PEC is a CRC-8 error checking byte, calculated on all the message bytes.
Note 3. The OEN signal does not need to be high to communicate over the PMBus interface.
Command Code | Dec | Command Name | Type | Size | Default | Low Byte | High Byte | ||||||||||||||
01h | 1 | OPERATION | RW | 1 | 00h | OE_INT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
02h | 2 | ON_OFF_CONFIG | RO | 1 | 1Fh | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||||
03h | 3 | CLEAR_FAULTS | WO | 0 | |||||||||||||||||
10h | 16 | WRITE_PROTECT | RW | 1 | 20h | PROT_ENABLE | |||||||||||||||
1Bh | 27 | SMBALERT_MASK | RW | 2 | N/A | ALERT-MASK [7:0] | ALERT-MASK[15:8] | ||||||||||||||
20h | 32 | VOUT_MODE | RO | 1 | 17h | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||||
21h | 33 | VOUT_COMMAND | RW | 2 | C_SELA | VDAC[7:0] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | VDAC[9:8] | ||||||||
24h | 36 | VOUT_MAX | RW | 2 | 0280h | VMAX[7:0] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | VMAX[9:8] | ||||||||
78h | 120 | STATUS_BYTE | RO | 1 | 00h | BUSY | OFF# | VOUT_OV_FAULT | IOUT_OC_FAULT | VIN_UV_FAULT | TEMP | CML | N/A | ||||||||
7Ah | 122 | STATUS_VOUT | RO | 1 | 00h | OVP_FLT | 0 | 0 | UVP_FLT | VOUTMAX_FLT | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
7Bh | 123 | STATUS_IOUT | RO | 1 | 00h | OCP_FLT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
7Ch | 124 | STATUS_INPUT | RO | 1 | 00h | RSVD | 0 | 0 | FUVLO_FLT | FUVLO_FLT | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
7Dh | 125 | STATUS_TEMPERATURE | RO | 1 | 00h | OTP_FLT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
88h | 136 | READ_VIN | RO | 2 | N/A | VINADC_AVE[7:0] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | VINADC_AVE[9:8] | |||||||||
8Bh | 139 | READ_VOUT | RO | 2 | N/A | VADC_AVE[7:0] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | VADC_AVE[9:8] | |||||||||
8Ch | 140 | READ_IOUT | RO | 2 | N/A | IADC_AVE[7:0] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | IADC_AVE[9:8] | ||||||||
8Dh | 141 | READ_TEMPERATURE_1 | RO | 2 | N/A | TADC_AVE[7:0] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | TADC_AVE[9:8] | ||||||||
99h | 152 | MFR_ID | BLK | 5 | N/A | ASCII "MAXIM"(HEX CODES 56h, 4Ch,n54h, 52h) | |||||||||||||||
9Bh | 155 | MFR_REVISION | BLK | 1 | N/A | ASCII "F" (HEX CODE 31h) | |||||||||||||||
D1h | 209 | MFR_VOUT_MIN | RW | 2 | 0133h | VMIN[7:0] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | VMIN[9:8] | ||||||||
D2h | 210 | MFR_DEVSET1 | RW | 2 | 2061h | 0 | OCP[1:0] | FSW[2:0] | TSTAT[1:0] | 0 | RGAIN[1:0] | OTP[1:0] | 0 | VBOOT[1:0] | |||||||
D3h | 211 | MFR_DEVSET2 | RW | 2 | 03A6h | VRATE[1:0] | HICCUP_EN | RSVD | RSVD | RSVD | SFT_START[1:0] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | IMAX[2:0] | ||||
RW = Read Write, RO = Read Only, WO = Write Only, BLK = Block Read. VBOOT[1:0] values in MFR_DEVSET1 are programmed by the external capacitor (C_SELA ) and equal to binary value 00b, here representing VBOOT = 0.65V. |
Configuring the MAX20743/MAX20730 Address
The MAX20743/MAX20730 PMBus address is set through R_SELA. Eight unique addresses are possible, as shown in Table 8.
(6)(MSB) | Constant = 1 |
(5) | Constant = 0 |
(4) | Constant = 1 |
(3) | Constant = 0 |
(2) | R_SELA_bit2 |
(1) | R_SELA_bit1 |
(0) | R_SELA_bit0 |
Status Reporting
The MAX20743/MAX20730 supports the status registers shown in Figure 1. The CLEAR_FAULTS command is used to clear any fault bits that have been set, and clear the device's SMALERT pin output. The CLEAR_FAULTS command does not cause a unit that has been latched off for a fault condition to restart. To restart after a latched fault, power must be cycled. If the fault is still present after power is cycled, the fault bit is set again.
The STATUS_BYTE contains the most important faults and warnings. The STATUS_WORD contains two bytes of information. The low byte of the STATUS_WORD is the same as the STATUS_BYTE, and the high byte contains additional information about the status of the device.
Figure 1. Summary of Status registers.
Low | 7 | BUSY | A fault is asserted because the device was busy and unable to respond. |
6 | OFF# | This bit is asserted if the unit is not providing power to the output, regardless of the reason, including simply not being enabled. | |
5 | VOUT_OV_FAULT | An output overvoltage fault has occurred. | |
4 | IOUT_OC_FAULT | An output overcurrent fault has occurred. | |
3 | VIN_UV_FAULT | An input undervoltage fault has occurred. | |
2 | TEMPERATURE | A temperature fault has occurred. | |
1 | CML | A communications, memory, or logic fault has occurred. | |
0 | N/A | N/A | |
High | 7 | VOUT | An output voltage fault has occurred. |
6 | IOUT/POUT | An output current fault has occurred. | |
5 | INPUT | An input voltage, input current, or input power fault has occurred. | |
4 | MFR_SPECIFIC | A manufacturer specific fault or warning has occurred. | |
3 | POWER_GOOD# | If this bit is set, power is not good. | |
2 | N/A | N/A | |
1 | N/A | N/A | |
0 | N/A | N/A |
Operation/On and Off Configuration
The OPERATION command is used to turn on (0x80h) and turn off (0x0h) with OE pin low, as determined by the ON_OFF_CONFIG, which is fixed at 0x1Fh.
Output Voltage Control
The following registers are used for output voltage-related configuration settings. All the formats are in linear mode with N = -9, which is indicated in the VOUT Mode register (Reg_20h) value of 0x17h. The output voltage command (Reg_21h) and other output voltage related commands are a 2-bit unsigned variable. The output voltage formulas follow:
Configuration Registers
The PGMA and PGMB configuration resistors and capacitors are used to configure PMBus address, soft-start timing, boot voltage overcurrent protection limit, internal gain setting, and frequency. There are two PMBus registers, MFR_DEVSET1 and MFR_DEVSET2, that can be used to check and override these settings. The other system parameters that can be changed by these two configuration registers include regulation to power-good delay timing, overtemperature protection limit, output voltage command ramping rate, and overcurrent protection mode. The override parameters revert back to default values once power is cycled.
NO. | R (kΩ) | SS TIME (ms) | SLAVE ADDRESS (1010_XXXX) |
1 | 1.78 | 3 | PMBus Slave Address 1010 000b |
3 | 4.02 | 3 | PMBus Slave Address 1010 010b |
4 | 6.04 | 3 | PMBus Slave Address 1010 011b |
5 | 9.09 | 3 | PMBus Slave Address 1010 100b |
6 | 13.3 | 3 | PMBus Slave Address 1010 101b |
7 | 20 | 3 | PMBus Slave Address 1010 110b |
8 | 30.9 | 3 | PMBus Slave Address 1010 111b |
9 | 46.4 | 1.5 | PMBus Slave Address 1010 000b |
10 | 71.5 | 1.5 | PMBus Slave Address 1010 001b |
11 | 107 | 1.5 | PMBus Slave Address 1010 010b |
12 | 162 | 1.5 | PMBus SlaveAddress 1010 011b |
00b | 0.75 |
01b | 1.5 |
10b | 3 |
11b | 6 |
MFR_DEVSET1 (Reg_D2h (bits 9:8)) is used to read the boot voltage as shown in Table 12.
00b | 0.6484 |
01b | 0.8984 |
10b | 1.0 |
11b | N/A |
Other System Parameters
Overcurrent Protections
Overcurrent protection MFR_DEVSET1 (Reg_D2h (bits 6:5)) is used to set the positive and negative overcurrent inception and clamp level as shown in Table 13.
00b | Setting 0 |
01b | Setting 1 |
10b | Setting 2 |
11b | Setting 3 |
Temperature Control
MFR_DEVSET1 (Reg_D2h (bits 12:11)) is used to program the overtemperature trigger level as shown in Table 14.
00b | 150 |
01b | 130 |
10b | N/A |
11b | N/A |
Internal Gain Setting
MFR_DEVSET1 (Reg_D2h) is used to program the internal gain setting as shown in Table 15.
RGAIN[1:0] | RGAIN (mΩ) MAX20743 | RGAIN (mΩ) MAX20730 |
00b | 0.45 | 0.9 |
01b | 1.80 | 3.6 |
10b | 0.90 | 1.8 |
11b | 3.60 | 7.2 |
Boot Voltage to Output Voltage Command Ramp Rate
MFR_DEVSET2 (Reg_D3h (bits 7:6)) is used to program the boot voltage to output voltage command ramp rate as shown in Table 16.
VRATE[1:0] | VRATE (mV/µs) |
00b | 4 |
01b | 2 |
10b | 1 |
11b | N/A |
MFR_DEVSET1 (Reg_D2h (bits 4:2)) is used to program the switching frequency as shown in Table 17.
FSW[2:0 ] | FREQUENCY (kHz) |
000b | 400 |
001b | 500 |
010b/011b | 600 |
100b | 700 |
101b | 800 |
110b/111b | 900 |
Regulation to Power-Good Delay Timing
TSTAT [1:0] | tSTAT TIME (µs) |
00b | 2000 |
01b | 125 |
10b | 62.5 |
11b | 32 |
Output Current Overcurrent Mode
0b | Constant current |
1b | Hiccup |
Read Telemetry
The MAX20743/MAX20730 provide reporting of junction temperature, output current, input voltage, and voltage at the sense pins. With direct feedback, the voltage at the sense pins equals VOUT. With a divider in the feedback, the voltage at the sense pins is scaled by the divide ratio.
Read Output Current
Read IOUT returns the output current in amperes. The data is in PMBus DIRECT format, with R = -1, and m and b as defined below.
where (MAX20743):
m = 94.8 - 1.82 x D
b = 5014 - 97.6 x D
a = 0.018
TJ = junction temperature reading in °C
where (MAX20730):
m = 153 + 5.61 x D
b = 4976 - 131 x D
a = 0.013
TJ = junction temperature reading in °C
Read Temperature
Read temperature returns the junction temperature in °C. The data is in PMBus DIRECT format with m = 21, b = 5887, and R = -1.
Read Output Voltage
Read VOUT returns the output voltage in volts. The data is in PMBus LINEAR format, with N = -9.
Read Input Voltage
Read VIN returns the input voltage in volts. The data is in PMBus DIRECT format with m = 3597, b = 0, and R = -2 (for MAX20743) and m = 3609, b = 0, and R = -2 (for MAX20730).
The MAX20743/MAX20730 support the alert response address (ARA) protocol as described in the SMBus 2.0 Specification. Refer to the SMBus 2.0 Specification Appendix A for more details.
PMBus Alert Pin
The MAX20743/MAX20730 SMALERT pin supports the SMBALERT# signal described in the SMBus 2.0 specification. The fault conditions that assert the alert line low are as follows:
- Any bits different from 0 and not masked by SMBALERT_MASK command pull low SMALERT pin in STATUS_CML.
- Any bits different from 0 and not masked by SMBALERT_MASK command pull low SMALERT pin in STATUS_VOUT.
- Any bits different from 0 and not masked by SMBALERT_MASK command pull low SMALERT pin in STATUS_IOUT.
- Any bits different from 0 and not masked by SMBALERT_MASK command pull low SMALERT pin in STATUS_TEMPERATURE.
- Any bits different from 0 and not masked by SMBALERT_MASK command pull low SMALERT pin in STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC.
- Any bits different from 0 and not masked by SMBALERT_MASK command pull low SMALERT pin in STATUS_INPUT.
- PMBus message lasts longer than expected.
SMBALERT_MASK is used to prevent a warning or fault condition from asserting the SMALERT pin. The command format (write word) used to block a status bit or bits from causing the SMALERT pin to be asserted is shown in Table 20. The bits in the mask byte align with the bits in the corresponding status register.
# of bits | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 1 |
S | PMBus Address | W | ACK | SMBALERT_MASK Command Code | ACK | Status_x Command Code | ACK | Mask Byte | ACK | P |
The two ways to release the SMALERT pin are as follows:
- CLEAR_FAULTS command
- ARA (refer to SMBus Specification 2.0)