AN-1299: Enabling HDMI 2.0 Using ADV8005 and ADV7625/ADV7626/ADV7627
This application note outlines how to enable the new 4:2:0 feature of HDMI® 2.0 on the ADV8005 and ADV7625/ADV7626/ADV7627 series of parts. The implementation of the HDMI 4:2:0 feature allows receiving and transmitting ultra HD video with a 60 Hz refresh rate (4k × 2k at 60 Hz) using a 3 GHz bandwidth.
Prior to HDMI 2.0, digital video had been transmitted using a 4:4:4 or 4:2:2 format. The former could transmit either RGB or YCrCb without subsampling chroma. The latter can carry only chroma subsampled YCrCb data, which means that pixels contain only partial information about chroma. For more information, refer to the handbook on video demystification listed in the References section. The newly introduced 4:2:0 format reduces the chroma information for YCrCb even further than 4:2:2, but increases the luma bandwidth.
Portion of Composition | 4:4:4 | 4:2:2 | 4:2:0 |
Luma | 33% | 50% | 66% |
Chroma | 66% | 50% | 33% |
Transmitting ultra HD at 60 video frames per second in a 4:4:4 video format requires a bandwidth of 6 Gbps. In the 4:2:0 format, two luma samples are sent for one chroma sample. This reduces the number of video pixels sent per line of video. Transmitting ultra HD at 60 video frames per second in a 4:2:0 video format requires a bandwidth of only 3 Gbps.
VPS and HDMI 2.0
The ADV8005 is a video signal processor (VSP) with serial and TTL video inputs that can deinterlace and scale input video. The ADV7625/ADV7626/ADV7627 parts are high performance HDMI transceiver parts with cross-point and splitter capabilities. The ADV8005 and ADV7625/ADV7626/ADV7627 series of products feature 3 Gbps HDMI transmitters (Tx).
All of these parts were originally designed to support HDMI specification 1.4; however, it is also possible to pass the 4:2:0 format of the HDMI specification 2.0 through these parts. It is not possible, however to perform color conversions in 4:2:0.
To enable the 4:2:0 functionality on these parts, two conditions must be met:
- 4:2:0 data must use a similar configuration to that used for 4:4:4 data.
- Appropriate InfoFrame content must be sent from the transmitters.
HDMI 2.0 only specifies use of the 4:2:0 format for video identification codes (VIC) 96, 97, 101, 102, 106, and 107 from CEA-861-F. These are all ultra HD formats with a 50 Hz or 60 Hz frame rate.
These settings depend on transmitter operation mode.
Modes of Transmitter Operations
There are two distinct modes of operation, pass through mode and non-pass through mode.
Pass Through Mode
The ADV7625 series of parts can operate in a pass through mode (known also as mux mode). In this mode, the transmitter is directly fed with a raw TMDS data stream from the HDMI receiver. In this case, the HDMI stream (TMDS stream) remains unaltered from the input to the output. Audio, video, and packet content is not reassembled in the transmitter.
Figure 1. Block Diagram of Data Supplied to Tx in Pass Through Mode.
This mode is enabled when data bypasses the CP core in the ADV7625.
In order to handle 4:2:0 mode, no additional configuration is required. The incoming 4:2:0 stream is passed straight to the output. All 4:2:0-relevant information received by the receiver remains unaltered and is output through the Tx into a downstream HDMI sink attached to the transmitter.
Non-Pass Through Mode
Non-pass through mode is enabled in the HDMI transmitter when the HDMI data stream is rebuilt, and InfoFrames are inserted. Normally, the pixel data is supplied through CP core which is capable of passing 4:2:0 stream using the standard 4:4:4 path.
One uses this mode
- when the ADV7625 is configured to enable CP core or perform audio insertion.
- for the ADV8005. The ADV8005 HDMI Tx receives video data from the TTL inputs or from the TMDS receiver.
Figure 2. Block Diagram of Data Supplied to Tx in Non-Pass Through Mode.
In non-pass through mode, the transmitter must be configured to embed auxilliary video information (AVI) InfoFrames that reflect the 4:2:0 stream.
Seeting AVI Infoframes
The introduction of new video formats such as 3840 × 2160 P at 60 Hz (4k × 2k at 60 Hz) has led to an expansion of the video identification codes from 64 up to 128 in the AVI InfoFrame. The standard AVI InfoFrame in the ADV8005 and ADV7625/ADV7626/ ADV7627 HDMI transmitters uses 6 bits to support the VIC. However, the flexible transmitter design allows users to enable a spare HDMI packet as the AVI InfoFrame and disable the standard AVI InfoFrame. This provides complete freedom in programming any of the fields in the AVI InfoFrame and enables the use of a 7-bit VIC.
Another important change in HDMI 2.0 is the addition of an extra bit, Y2, to set the color format in the AVI InfoFrame. The Y2, Y1, and Y0 values in the AVI InfoFrame are used to distinguish between YCrCb 4:2:2, YCrCb 4:4:4, RGB, and YCrCb 4:2:0. To enable 4:2:0 mode, the Y2,Y1, and Y0 values in the AVI InfoFrame must also be set correctly to 011, respectively, in binary format. It is unnecessary to send a vendor specific InfoFrame when transmitting 4:2:0 video format.
The ADV8005 and ADV7625/ADV7626/ADV7627 products have been tested and verified using 4k × 2k at 60 Hz 4:2:0 formatted video. The scripts used for the testing are included in this application note.
ADV7625/ADV8005 Script
Figure 3 shows the test setup used to evaluate the ADV8005 HDMI 4:2:0 functionality. A video generator is used as a source for the 4:2:0 format. The ADV7619 is used as a HDMI receiver and outputs the video to the ADV8005 digital pixel inputs.
Figure 3. ADV8005 HDMI 4:2:0 Test Setup.
The VSP processing is bypassed in the ADV8005 and the 4:2:0 data is routed directly to its HDMI Tx devices. The script details all of the I2C writes to the ADV7619 and to the ADV8005 for this test setup.
Script 1 HDMI 4:2:0 Video Processing
//***********ADV7619 Writes*************** 98 FF 80 98 F4 80 98 F5 7C 98 F8 4C 98 F9 64 98 FA 6C 98 FB 6A 98 FD 44 50 20 00 6A C0 03 98 01 06 98 02 F2 98 03 54 98 05 28 98 06 A0 98 0C 42 98 15 80 98 19 83 98 33 40 98 DD A0 4C B5 01 4C C3 80 4C CF 03 6A 3E 69 6A 3F 46 6A 4E 7E 6A 4F 42 6A 02 03 6A 57 A3 6A 58 07 6A 83 FC 6A 84 03 6A 85 10 6A 86 9B 6A 89 03 6A 9B 03 //********** ADV8005 Initialization **************** 1A 1A5B 42 1A 1A5F 00 1A 1A61 06 1A 1AA0 13 1A 1AA1 01 1A 1AA2 25 1A 1AA3 1D 1A 1AA4 81 1A 1AA5 81 1A 1AA7 10 1A 1AA8 B4 1A 1AFE 08 1A E0C0 C4 1A E889 03 1A E88A 46 1A E88B 7A 1A E88C 00 1A E600 03 1A E601 C5 1A E602 0A 1A E603 00 1A E604 03 1A E605 D8 1A E606 06 1A E607 00 1A E608 03 1A E609 EB 1A E60A 02 1A E60B 00 1A E60C 03 1A E60D FD 1A E60E FE 1A E60F 00 1A E664 04 1A E665 10 1A E666 FA 1A E667 00 1A E668 04 1A E669 23 1A E66A F6 1A E66B 00 1A E66C 04 1A E66D 36 1A E66E F2 1A E66F 00 1A 1A45 00 1A 1A46 A8 1A 1A47 00 1A 1A48 FB 1A 1A4E 08 1A 1A4F 08 1A E93B 40 1A E949 F0 1A 1A44 88 1A 1A39 0A 1A E662 81 1A 1A9D FF 1A 1A9E 55 1A 1BC8 FF 1A 1BC9 FF 1A 1BCA FF 1A 1BCB FF 1A 1BCC FF 1A 1BCD FF 1A 1BCE FF 1A 1BCF FF 1A 1BD0 FF 1A 1BD1 FF 1A 1BD2 FF 1A 1BD3 FF 1A 1BD4 FF //************ ADV8005 4k × 2k TTL Input Mode **** 1A 1A07 26 1A 1B48 0D 1A 1B4B 80 1A E401 10 1A E430 58 //************** CPLD Writes ********************************* EA 07 00 EA 03 0D EA 03 2D EA 03 45 EA 03 60 EA 03 80 EA 03 A0 EA 03 CE EA 03 E0 //******** ADV8005 Tx – 32 kHz PCM I2S Multichannel Audio Mode 1A F441 10 1A F401 00 1A F402 10 1A F403 00 1A F413 FF 1A F415 30 1A F416 61 1A F440 80 1A F44C 06 1A F455 40 1A F456 08 1A F473 07 1A F476 1F 1A F496 20 1A F4AF 96 1A F4BA 70 1A F4D0 44 1A F4D1 3C 1A F4D3 07 1A F4D6 02 1A F4DB 0B 1A F4E0 90 1A F4E1 FC 1A F4E3 D0 1A F4E8 F0 1A F4EA 1D 1A F4ED 40 1A F4EE 40 1A F4EF 41 1A F4F3 01 1A F4F5 CC 1A F4F6 08 1A F4F7 F0 1A F4DA 40 1A F4F5 D4 1A F480 7F 1A F481 88 1A F482 88 1A F483 81 1A F484 81 1A F485 81 1A F486 81 1A F4FC 55 1A F441 30 1A F441 10 1A FB24 40 //***********ADV8005 Tx Source Termination On*********** 1A F480 7F 1A F483 03 1A F484 03 1A F485 03 1A F486 03 1A F4EA BD 1A F4ED B8 1A F4EE B8 1A F4EF B9 //***********ADV8005 Tx Enabling Spare Packets********** 1A F44C 04 1A F440 83 1A F444 69 1A FAC0 81 1A FAC1 01 1A FAC2 04 1A FAC3 6B 1A FAC4 03 1A FAC5 0C 1A FAC6 00 1A FAC7 00 1A FAC8 00 1A FAC9 00 1A FACA 00 1A FACB 00 1A FACC 00 1A FACD 00 1A FACE 00 1A FACF 00 1A FAD0 00 1A FAD1 00 1A FAD2 00 1A FAD3 00 1A FAD4 00 1A FAD5 00 1A FAD6 00 1A FAD7 00 1A FAD8 00 1A FAD9 00 1A FADA 00 1A FADB 00 1A FADC 00 1A FADD 00 1A FADE 00 1A FADF 00 1A FADF 80 1A FADF 00 1A FAE0 82 1A FAE1 02 1A FAE2 0D 1A FAE3 7D 1A FAE4 60 1A FAE5 A8 1A FAE6 00 1A FAE7 61 1A FAE8 00 1A FAE9 00 1A FAEA 00 1A FAEB 71 1A FAEC 08 1A FAED 00 1A FAEE 00 1A FAEF 01 1A FAF0 0F 1A FAF1 00 1A FAF2 00 1A FAF3 00 1A FAF4 00 1A FAF5 00 1A FAF6 00 1A FAF7 00 1A FAF8 00 1A FAF9 00 1A FAFA 00 1A FAFB 00 1A FAFC 00 1A FAFD 00 1A FAFE 00 1A FAFF 00 1A FAFF 80 1A FAFF 00
CEA-861F Specification. Consumer Electronics Organization, 2013.
HDMI 2.0 Specification. (Note that the specification is available to HDMI 2.0 adopters after paying licensing fee via the HDMI 2.0 online forum.)
Jack, Keith. Video Demystified. Newnes, 2007.
Kaczurba, Witold. AN-1283 Application Note. Receiving the 4:2:0 Stream with the ADV7619. Analog Devices, Inc., 2014.