製造中止Dual Channel, 12-Bit, 65 MSPS A/D Converter with Analog Input Signal Conditioning
The AD10265 is a full channel ADC solution with on-module signal conditioning for improved dynamic performance and fully matched channel-to-channel performance. The module includes two wide dynamic range AD6640 ADCs. Each AD6640 has an AD9631/AD9632 ac-coupled amplifier front end. The AD6640s have on-chip track-and-hold circuitry, and utilize an innovative multipass architecture, to achieve 12-bit, 65 MSPS The AD10265 is a full channel ADC solution with on-module signal conditioning for improved dynamic performance and fully matched channel-to-channel performance. The module includes two wide dynamic range AD6640 ADCs. Each AD6640 has an AD9631/AD9632 ac-coupled amplifier front end. The AD6640s have on-chip track-and-hold circuitry, and utilize an innovative multipass architecture, to achieve 12-bit, 65 MSPS performance. The AD10265 uses innovative high-density circuit design and laser-trimmed thin-film resistor networks to achieve exceptional matching and performance while still maintaining excellent isolation, and providing for significant board area savings.
データシート 1
アプリケーション・ノート 12
技術記事 4
クロスリファレンス・ガイド 4
製造中止品のデータシート 1