Welcome to the Soft Launch of Apollo MxFE™
Thank you for showing interest in Apollo MxFE™ and our upcoming AD9084/AD9088 product release!
Like you, we are excited for the day when we activate the purchase button and want to extend a special offer to get you moving. By subscribing below, you will become a premier Apollo MxFE adopter and receive alerts for upcoming ADI events (such as conferences near you, webinars, etc.), new collateral releases (will include new reference designs, application notes, technical FAQs, full data sheets, etc.), and exclusive offers as we prepare for the full launch in the Spring of 2024. An example of the technical collateral that you will receive alerts for and/or gain early access to is highlighted below.
Apollo MxFE is ADI’s most advanced software-defined, direct RF-sampling, wideband mixed-signal front end platform ever created, and we look forward to sharing more about it as we all prepare to lift designs to the next level!
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アナログ・デバイセズ(NASDAQ: ADI)は、物理的世界とデジタル世界の架け橋となり、インテリジェント・エッジでのブレークスルーを実現する、グローバルな半導体企業です。ADIは、アナログ、デジタル、そしてソフトウェアの技術を組み合わせて、工場のデジタル化、モビリティ、デジタル・ヘルスケアの進歩に寄与し、気候変動に取り組み、高い信頼で人と世界とを接続するソリューションを実現しています。