Recording Products

Analog Devices designs, manufactures and provides timely support of high-performance data acquisition and storage systems for governments and industry worldwide through its data systems products and services.

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Model 820

The Model 820 provides a scalable architecture which supports a wide range of applications such as telemetry, weapons testing, aerospace, military and intelligence gathering.

With standard features including high speed recording, large channel capacity, intuitive graphical user interface, network connectivity and numerous storage and archive options, the Model 820 provides users with a recorder that can be configured to meet a large variety of data acquisition and storage requirements.

View Model 820 Brochure

  • Multiple channels
  • Up to 38 asynchronous channels per chassis
  • Synchronize multiple chassis for higher channel counts
  • Support for various signal types
  • PCM - up to 160 Mbps
  • Analog up to 24 MSps (10 KHz to 10 MHz)
  • IRIG time A, B, and G
  • Voice/auxiliary
  • Video
  • Multiple chassis options – labratory, rugged and portable
  • Standards based
  • IRIG 106 Chapter 10 data format
  • Windows® NTFS file system
  • Windows® networking
  • Real Time data distribution and archiving
  • Remote control
  • Large storage capacity
  • Hard Disk Drives or Solid State Storage Modules
  • Archive data to standard computer peripherals

Model 920

The Model 920 is an integrated recording system capable of acquiring and storing wideband analog / Intermediate Frequency (IF) signals for a range of recording applications including commercial, military and government. The Model 920 combines wideband analog / IF signals , time code data and auxiliary/voice data and records that data onto an array of data drives. After recording, the data is available for reproduction, archiving or network distribution. The recorder features loop-back functions for real-time monitoring of the analog data streams and includes a shuttle mode in playback.

  • Windows operating system
  • NTFS file system
  • Synchronize multiple chassis for higher channel counts
  • Hard Disk Drive or Solid State Memory
  • Touch screen display for ease of use
  • Network connectivity
    • Remote control
    • Data offload and archive
  • Archive data to standard peripherals
  • Configurable IF center frequencies
  • Configurable Baseband bandwidths
  • Shuttle Mode
    • Programmable reproduction of recorded data for analysis
    • Seamless looping
  • Loop Recording
    • Circular buffer operation for continuous recording
  • Time code channel
    • IRIG A, B, or G
    • Data search and shuttle by time
  • Voice annotation / auxiliary channel

Model DTR-16


Provides for either single-channel 16 MHz or dual-channel 8 MHz recording/reproduction. The recorder uses commercial off-the-shelf S-VHS ST-120 tape cassettes that are loaded automatically via a front loading cassette elevator. The DTR-16 provides transient-free reproduction of recorded data. Two auxiliary channels can be used for time code, event marking or annotation.

  • 16 MHz bandwidth
  • TBE 10 nanoseconds
  • 34 dB pk to pk signal-to-rms noise
  • Records a single channel of 16 MHz or dual channels of 8 MHz
  • Uses commercial S-VHS ST-120 cassettes
  • Records two simultaneous CEPT-1 or -2 signals (Optional)
  • Weighs less than 25 lbs.
  • Fits standard 19-inch rack
  • IEEE-488 or serial RS-422, RS-232 control interfaces
  • Two auxiliary longitudinal channels for time or event coding and voice annotation

Model TDM-8E


Expands capability of the DTR-8E to record up to eight independent analog signals on an 8 MHz wideband channel. Applies time division multiplexing to merge multiple asynchronous or synchronous analog signals into one composite analog signal that is recorded by the DTR-8E. Playback signals through the TDM reconstruct the individual analog signals for each channel.

  • Front panel operation and form factor match DTR-8E and DTR-16
  • Removable circuit boards
  • Expands capability of DTR-8E and DTR-16
  • IEEE-488, RS-232, RS-422 interfaces
  • Optional TDM front-panel emulator software for remote operation

Model TDM-D8


Multiplexer/demultiplexer for use with DTR-16 analog recorder/reproducer. Has two wideband analog interfaces that connect to the recorder's two 8 MHz wideband inputs and outputs. Provides eight independent analog signals over the 16 MHz bandwidth. Four two-channel input/output cards are controlled independently for maximum versatility in selecting channel/bandwidth combinations during recording. Built-in bypass feature allows additional flexibility to record two 8 MHz or one 16 MHz channel without cable changes.

  • Front panel operation and form factor match DTR-8E and DTR-16
  • Removable circuit boards
  • Expands capability of DTR-8E and DTR-16
  • IEEE-488, RS-232, RS-422 interfaces

Tape Media

Magnetic Tape Reels

½-inch x 10½, 14-inch aluminum
1-inch x 10½, 14-inch aluminum
1-inch x 10½-inch glass

Tape Media

S-VHS Data Cassettes

Certified, cleaned and degaussed

ST-160 (boxes of 10)

Certified data cassettes undergo rigorous testing to ensure cleanliness and minimize data dropouts. Each tape is certified to be free of defects that could cause data errors when used in a digital cassette recorder. Tape is manufactured from the highest broadcast-quality S-VHS media. For additional data protection, the tape is encased in a high-impact plastic cassette.

Wideband Cassettes

Wide band cassettes are available for use in the DTR family of wideband recorder/reproducers. These are high quality S-VHS cassettes which provide for optimum performance in the DTR product line. Each box contains 10 each wideband cassettes.