ADUM3210 - FAQ
ほとんどの場合、目的のアプリケーションでフォトカプラの代わりにiCoupler製品を使用すると、高性能化、コスト削減、省スペース化、品質と信頼性の向上を実現できます。アナログ・デバイセズには、業界標準のフォトカプラとピン互換の製品もあります。例えば、アナログ・デバイセズの最初のiCoupler製品であるADuM1100は、高速のデジタル・アイソレーションを必要とするアプリケーション向けに設計されたシングル・チャンネルのデジタル・アイソレータです。これは、Agilent TechnologiesのHCPL-0710、-0720、-0721、-0723の各フォトカプラとフットプリント互換性およびピン互換性があり、しかもこれらのフォトカプラより、性能、消費電力、コストの点で非常に優れています。
iCoupler 製品は外部の磁界の影響を受けやすいのでしょうか?
What is the difference between basic and double (or reinforced) insulation levels?
In general, protection against electric shock may be provided by adequate clearance (a physical spacing from the live part) or by one of two insulation levels. These insulation levels are basic insulation and double (or reinforced) insulation. The required insulation level is determined by the voltage levels involved as well as the presence or absence of a connection from accessible parts to earth ground. In general, compared to an isolator providing basic insulation, an isolator providing double or reinforced insulation has greater requirements on its test voltage as well as on its input-to-output spacing. The required insulation level is defined by the specific safety standard for the end-equipment under consideration.
iCoupler 製品はどの程度のアイソレーションを実現できますか?
パラメータ | 最大値 | 制約事項 |
AC電圧、バイポーラ波形 | 400VRMS(565(VPK)) | 50年の最小寿命 |
AC電源、ユニポーラ波形 | 519VRMS(848(VPK)) | CSA/VDE認証の最大動作電圧 |
DC電圧 | 848VPK | CSA/VDE認証の最大動作電圧 |
How is isolation specified?
The isolation characteristics of an isolator are specified in a variety of manners, including:
The degree to which an isolator successfully insulates one side of an isolation barrier from high voltages on the other side is commonly described by the isolator's isolation rating and by its maximum working voltage (or rated mains voltage). In addition, the degree to which an isolator continues to correctly transfer a signal across an isolation barrier in the presence of a common-mode transient is described by its transient immunity (or common-mode rejection). Each of these three parameters is described below.
Q: 未使用の入出力端子の処理方法を教えてください。
A: 未使用のロジック入力はGNDに落とすかVDDにプルアップしてください。未使用の出力はオープンとしてください。
What is isolation rating?
An isolator's isolation rating (also called the test voltage) is a measure of the protection provided against short-duration, common-mode voltage differences. Usually specified in terms of a 60 Hz RMS value, it is a rating of how much voltage can be safely applied between the input and output terminals of the device for a duration of one minute. A common isolation rating found on isolation devices is 2.5KVRMS. Other devices have ratings such as 3.75KVRMS or higher. The isolation rating does not describe how much voltage can be safely applied across the part on an long-term continuous basis – this is described by the "working voltage" or "rated mains voltage."
What is capacitive isolation?
Capacitive isolation employs capacitors to couple data signals across an isolation barrier. This approach can offer significant performance advantages relative to optocoupler but typically suffer a high vulnerability to common-mode and ESD transients.
iCoupler 技術にはどのような利点がありますか?
iCoupler 技術の主な利点は5つあります。
What are working voltage and rated mains voltage?
The working voltage or rated mains voltage defines the maximum steady-state voltage that a part can support on a long-term continuous basis. Typical values range from 100 to 600VRMS.
What is isolation? Why is it needed?
Isolation is a means of preventing current from flowing between two communicating points. Typically, isolation is used in two general situations. The first is where there is the potential for current surges that may damage equipment or harm humans. The second is where interconnections involve different ground potentials and disruptive ground loops are to be avoided. In both cases, isolation is used to prevent current flow yet allow for data or power flow between the two points.
What is the relationship between working voltage and isolation rating?
The relationship between a given working voltage and the required test voltage is complex and is a function of the application, the magnitude of common-mode voltage transients (Installation Category), the "cleanliness" of the environment (Pollution Degree), and the required insulation type (Insulation Level). As a representative example based on IEC 1010-1 (international standard for measurement and control equipment), a measurement and control application involving installation category II, a pollution degree of 2, basic insulation, and a working voltage of 300 VRMS has a required test voltage of 1.35KVRMS. This means that for an isolation component to be suitable for this application, it must support steady-state common-mode voltages differences of at least 300 VRMS and transient common-mode voltages differences of at least 1.35KVRMS. The relationship between working voltage and isolation rating is defined by the specific safety standard for the end-equipment under consideration.
更に、iCoupler製品は、最大動作温度が125° Cで、3.3Vと5Vのどちらの電源でも動作できます。標準デジタル・インターフェースと互換性のある集積ドライバ回路が内蔵されていることも、ユーザにとって利点となります。
What other parameters are important when considering an isolation device?
The ideal isolator consumes no power, imposes no signal errors, and supports any type of input signal. As a result, the important performance metrics are as follows:
Which of the above metrics are important to a particular user is a function of the application in question. Often in a specific application, certain parameters are important and others are not.
Other performance characteristics important to users are an isolator's power-up/down characteristics, its performance in the presence of input noise, and its performance in the presence of a DC input or after a loss of power. In all cases, the output of an isolator should properly reflect the correct input state.
What are optocouplers? What is optical isolation?
Optocouplers are a form of optical isolation that employs light to transmit information across an isolation barrier. Typically, a light emitting diode (LED) transmits information to a light sensitive receiver (e.g., a transistor). Optical isolation's primary benefit is that it is widely used and accepted as a low-cost isolation solution for transmission of slower digital signals; high-speed, digital optocouplers tend to be expensive. Optocoupler-based methods are commonly used in applications in which the DC state of a signal is important. Because LEDs may wear out over time, optical isolation typically requires compensation and guardbanding to guarantee application operability over life.
A: 弊社アイソレータに関しては、ご希望のように直列に接続して使用することを想定しておりませんので、このような接続での信頼性等の評価データがございません。このため、 このような接続において、1120Vをかけた場合に対してはご提示できる回答がございません。 弊社が試験しているのは単体の耐圧のみです。このため、アイソレータとアイソレータを繋ぐ部分の電圧をコントロールして、アイソレータ単体には560Vまでしか加わらないような工夫をしていただければ、単純に560V+560V になりますので、1120Vまでは動作すると考えます。 ただ、残念ながら、このような使い方に対する推奨できる回路は用意しておりませんのでご了承ください。
What regulatory standards address isolation products?
There are a wide variety of safety standards related to isolation at both the system and component levels, for various geographic regions, and for various applications. Shown below is a table summarizing commonly-used standards for the U.S., Europe, and International geographic regions.
Application | U.S. | Europe | International |
Industrial | UL 508 | EN 50178 | IEC 604 |
Information Technology | UL 1950 | EN 60950 | IEC 950 |
Medical | UL 2601-1 | EN 60601 | IEC 601 |
Measurement and Control | UL 3111 | EN 61010-1 | IEC 1010-1 |
Telecom | UL 1459 | EN 60950 | IEC 950 |
Household | UL 8730-1 | EN 60065 | IEC 65 |
Table 1. Application-Level Standards
Component | U.S. | Canada | Germany/Europe | International |
Isolator | UL 1577 | Component Acceptance Notice #5 |
DIN EN60747-5-2 DIN V VDE V 0884-10 |
IEC 747-5 |
Table 2. Component-Level Standards
The standards that apply directly to isolation components are those of Table 2. The standards of Table 1 apply to applications that use isolation components. The designer of such an application must assure that the appropriate isolation component is selected such that compliance with the relevant application-level standard is ensured. However, the application-level standard is not directly applicable to the isolation component. Only the standards of Table 2 are imposed directly at the component level.
Q: ± VDD1系統の出力をマイコンなどでモニタし、VDD2系統の電源遮断を検出できますか?
A: ADuMシリーズはアイソレーションされたレシーバ側にウォッチドッグ機能をもっているので、この対応は可能です。コイルをつかったパルス伝送になっており、入力側の動作が停止すれば、そのパルスを受信しなくなった状態を検出して、出力がLowに落ちます。通常状態のときに、出力がHighになるように入力側を設定すれば、目的の動作は可能です。入力をH/Lにトグルさせ、出力をウォッチドッグ的に検出しておけば、さらに有効と思われます。
What are common applications that use isolation?
Isolation is commonly found in applications involving high voltage, high-speed/high-precision communications, or communication over large distances. Common examples of such applications include:
These applications can be found in a wide range of markets, including:
What is transformer isolation?
Transformer isolation employs transformer coils to transmit information across an isolation barrier. Changes in current through the transformer winding on one side of the isolation barrier induce a corresponding current on the transformer winding on the other side of the isolation barrier. Transformer-based methods have been commonly used in applications involving AC signals (Ethernet, for example) that are well suited for transformer coupling. Transformer isolation has advantages in systems with high data rates, and it can also be used to provided an isolated power supply; however, transformers have typically been bulkier than alternative solutions.
iCoupler technology (see below) is a form of transformer isolation that employs micro-transformer coils to address the size and integration disadvantages of discrete transformer solutions.
What types of technologies have been used to provide isolation?
There are three common isolation technologies:
Each has benefits and disadvantages related to price, performance, reliability, size, features and functionality. Historically, optocoupler and transformer technologies have been the most commonly used methods.
What are transient immunity and common-mode rejection?
An isolator's transient immunity specifies how fast of a common-mode transient between input and output a part can be subjected to while maintaining correct signal transmission. Many isolators have no specification on this parameter while others have values ranging from 5 to 25 KV/µs. All iCoupler products have a transient immunity specification of at least 25 KV/µs.
各特定製品の承認内容および詳細をまとめた表を、 www.analog.com/iCouplerSafetyでご覧いただけます。
iCoupler 製品とインターフェース製品の違いは何ですか?
iCoupler アイソレーション製品は、従来型のインターフェース製品の中の特殊な製品群です。通常、1つのiCoupler製品で幅広いアプリケーションに対応できますが、インターフェース専用の製品は用途が限られています(例えばRS-232やRS-485トランシーバー)。さらに、インターフェース専用の製品に絶縁機能が求められることはあまりありませんが、一般にこの種のインターフェースにはある程度の絶縁も必要です。当社は様々なインターフェース製品を提供していますが、その一部にiCoupler技術を組み込んだ完全統合化ソリューションがあります(以下を参照)。
新製品の最新情報については、アナログ・デバイセズのウェブサイトwww.analog.com/icouplerをご覧ください。最寄りのアナログ・デバイセズの営業担当者にお問い合わせいただくこともできます。季刊のニュースレター「Analog Devices' Digital Isolation Update」もご利用になれます。このニュースレターには、新製品のご案内の他、iCoupler技術に関するお知らせ、アプリケーションのヒント、技術情報などが掲載されています。「Analog Devices' Digital Isolation Update」の購読方法については、www.analog.com/Subscriptionsをご覧ください。
ADM2483、ADM2485、ADM2486、ADM2490Eは、iCoupler技術を取り入れているRS-485トランシーバーです。同様に、AD7400とAD7401は絶縁型のΣΔ A/Dコンバータです。今後アナログ・デバイセズでは、iCoupler技術によりアイソレーションを統合した更に多くの製品を発表する予定です。
はい。iCoupler製品は強化絶縁に関するVDE認証を取得しています。最近まで、iCouplerファミリのデジタル・アイソレータなどの磁気カプラ向け強化絶縁に対応したVDE規格はありませんでした。しかし、2006年12月にDIN V VDE V 0884-10(VDE V 0884-10)がVDEによって発表され、iCoupler製品はこの規格認証試験を問題なく終えています。各iCoupler製品の特定の動作電圧や絶縁定格の詳細と安全認証については、www.analog.com/iCouplerSafetyをご覧ください。