ADM2687E - FAQ
iCoupler 技術にはどのような利点がありますか?
iCoupler 技術の主な利点は5つあります。
What regulatory standards address isolation products?
There are a wide variety of safety standards related to isolation at both the system and component levels, for various geographic regions, and for various applications. Shown below is a table summarizing commonly-used standards for the U.S., Europe, and International geographic regions.
Application | U.S. | Europe | International |
Industrial | UL 508 | EN 50178 | IEC 604 |
Information Technology | UL 1950 | EN 60950 | IEC 950 |
Medical | UL 2601-1 | EN 60601 | IEC 601 |
Measurement and Control | UL 3111 | EN 61010-1 | IEC 1010-1 |
Telecom | UL 1459 | EN 60950 | IEC 950 |
Household | UL 8730-1 | EN 60065 | IEC 65 |
Table 1. Application-Level Standards
Component | U.S. | Canada | Germany/Europe | International |
Isolator | UL 1577 | Component Acceptance Notice #5 |
DIN EN60747-5-2 DIN V VDE V 0884-10 |
IEC 747-5 |
Table 2. Component-Level Standards
The standards that apply directly to isolation components are those of Table 2. The standards of Table 1 apply to applications that use isolation components. The designer of such an application must assure that the appropriate isolation component is selected such that compliance with the relevant application-level standard is ensured. However, the application-level standard is not directly applicable to the isolation component. Only the standards of Table 2 are imposed directly at the component level.
What are common applications that use isolation?
Isolation is commonly found in applications involving high voltage, high-speed/high-precision communications, or communication over large distances. Common examples of such applications include:
These applications can be found in a wide range of markets, including:
What is transformer isolation?
Transformer isolation employs transformer coils to transmit information across an isolation barrier. Changes in current through the transformer winding on one side of the isolation barrier induce a corresponding current on the transformer winding on the other side of the isolation barrier. Transformer-based methods have been commonly used in applications involving AC signals (Ethernet, for example) that are well suited for transformer coupling. Transformer isolation has advantages in systems with high data rates, and it can also be used to provided an isolated power supply; however, transformers have typically been bulkier than alternative solutions.
iCoupler technology (see below) is a form of transformer isolation that employs micro-transformer coils to address the size and integration disadvantages of discrete transformer solutions.
What types of technologies have been used to provide isolation?
There are three common isolation technologies:
Each has benefits and disadvantages related to price, performance, reliability, size, features and functionality. Historically, optocoupler and transformer technologies have been the most commonly used methods.
新製品の最新情報については、アナログ・デバイセズのウェブサイトwww.analog.com/icouplerをご覧ください。最寄りのアナログ・デバイセズの営業担当者にお問い合わせいただくこともできます。季刊のニュースレター「Analog Devices' Digital Isolation Update」もご利用になれます。このニュースレターには、新製品のご案内の他、iCoupler技術に関するお知らせ、アプリケーションのヒント、技術情報などが掲載されています。「Analog Devices' Digital Isolation Update」の購読方法については、www.analog.com/Subscriptionsをご覧ください。
Q: RS485(RS422)の終端抵抗は、いくらぐらいにするべきでしょうか?
A: RS485などの通信線に挿入する終端抵抗は、その伝送線路の特性インピーダンスに合わせる必要があります。特性インピーダンスは線路の設計や形状により決まります。通信などで使われる同軸線は50Ωや75Ωがよく使われ、ツイストペア線では、100Ωぐらいから数100Ωとメーカーや材質によって異なります。(信号伝送速度も材質や構成により異なります)マイクロストリップラインであれば、線幅の設計や基板材質、その厚さなどにより異なります。使われる伝送線にあわせて終端抵抗を選んでください。詳しくは、AN-960: RS-485 / RS-422回路の実装ガイド をご参照ください。