Features and Benefits
- Full featured evaluation board for the AD4696
- 2 channels customizable for external connections and 14 channels for on-board dc voltages
- On-board reference circuitry
- ACE plugin available for device configuration and performance evaluation
- FMC compatible
- System demonstration platform (SDP-H1) compatible
Product Details
The EVAL-AD4696FMCZ is designed to demonstrate AD4696 performance and provide access to its many configuration options via an easy to use ACE plugin graphical interface. The AD4696 is a 16-channel, 16-bit, 1 MSPS, multiplexed successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that enables high performance data acquisition of multiple signals in a small form factor. The AD4696 employs easy drive features and on-chip channel sequencing that simplify hardware and software designs and allow it to fit into a variety of space constrained precision multichannel applications.
The EVAL-AD4696FMCZ allows users to quickly evaluate the performance of the AD4696 with no or minimal hardware modifications. The hardware includes two externally driven analog input channels for evaluating ac performance and 14 channels with dc levels generated on board for evaluating dc and settling performance. The externally driven channels have configurable drive circuitry and interface with precision signal generators via SMA connectors.
The AD4696 ACE plugin communicates with the EVAL-AD4696FMCZ hardware through the EVAL-SDP-CH1Z controller board. The software allows AD4696 device configuration via a register map view and easy to use GUIs. The software also enables performing analog-to-digital conversions and provides time and frequency domain analysis tools for quick evaluation of the AD4696.
More detailed feature descriptions and device specifications are provided in the AD4696 data sheet and must be consulted in conjunction with the user guide when using the EVAL-AD4696FMCZ. Full details on the EVAL-SDP-CH1Z are available on the SDP-H1 product page.
Markets and Technologies
Applicable Parts
Getting Started
- System demonstration platform (EVAL-SDP-CH1Z)
- Precision analog signal source(s)
- 12 V switched mode power supply (included with EVAL-SDP-CH1Z)
- USB cable (included with EVAL-SDP-CH1Z)
- PC running Windows 7 or higher with USB 2.0 port