Legal and Risk
Complaint Policy: Contents of Your Complaint
Analog Devices, Inc. will only be able to review and respond to your Complaint if it meets and includes the following criteria:
This Acknowledgment: “I have read and understand Analog Devices, Inc.’s DMCA Policy.” Failure to include this Acknowledgment will not result in an outright refusal to process your Complaint. But, submitters who have not read our Policy may not have fulsome understanding of the Complaint and/or Submission process accepted by Analog Devices. Lack of understanding may make for an incomplete Submission resulting in our refusal of your Complaint.
Specific Identification in the Complaint. Analog Devices requires that you specifically identify both the Copyrighted Work (a) that is the basis for your complaint, and the Allegedly Infringing Copyrighted Work (b) for which you want Analog Devices to take action.
- Identification of the Copyrighted Work that is alleged to be infringed. To be clear, this portion of the submission will help us to understand the “original” Copyrighted Work that you claim to own or claim rights to. We need the submissions of Complaint(s) to include sufficient specificity for us to: evaluate your claim, educate the Alleged infringer as to the scope of your claim, and comply with our obligations under our DMCA Policy. Specificity will vary depending upon the type of Copyrighted Work that is alleged to be infringed. For example, if the Copyrighted Work is an image, or text, published on the internet, a link to your original Copyrighted Work, with associated explanatory text may be sufficient. If there is no such publication, then we will require additional description and detail. In any event, if you have filed for registration, or registered your Copyrighted Work with the Copyright Office in the US, we request that you include the registration number and/or any other reference number made available by the copyright Office. The more information you provide that allows us to understand your Complaint, the better we will be able to understand your Complaint.
- Identification of the Alleged infringing Copyrighted Work. To be clear, this portion of the submission will help us to understand the alleged infringing Copyrighted Work. We need the submissions of Complaint(s) to include sufficient specificity for us to: identify the alleged infringing Copyrighted Work, locate (there may be multiple instances, if you request multiple locations to be addressed) of the alleged infringing Copyrighted Work, evaluate your claim, educate the Alleged infringer as to the scope of your claim, and comply with our obligations under our DMCA Policy. Specificity will vary. For example, you may identify a posting on a website (please identify the user name and date of such posting, and provide a link to the hosting website); or you may identify a repository (please identify the repository name, the hosting user, and provide a link to the repository); or you may identify a subset of files (please identify the repository name, the hosting user, provide a link to the repository, and specifically identify by name the alleged infringing files). The more information you provide to us, the better we will be able to understand your Complaint.
- Identification of the Copyrighted Work that is alleged to be infringed. To be clear, this portion of the submission will help us to understand the “original” Copyrighted Work that you claim to own or claim rights to. We need the submissions of Complaint(s) to include sufficient specificity for us to: evaluate your claim, educate the Alleged infringer as to the scope of your claim, and comply with our obligations under our DMCA Policy. Specificity will vary depending upon the type of Copyrighted Work that is alleged to be infringed. For example, if the Copyrighted Work is an image, or text, published on the internet, a link to your original Copyrighted Work, with associated explanatory text may be sufficient. If there is no such publication, then we will require additional description and detail. In any event, if you have filed for registration, or registered your Copyrighted Work with the Copyright Office in the US, we request that you include the registration number and/or any other reference number made available by the copyright Office. The more information you provide that allows us to understand your Complaint, the better we will be able to understand your Complaint.
Explain how the Alleged Infringer can remedy the Alleged infringement. Please let us know your expectations as to next steps, and what would be sufficient to satisfy your Complaint. For instance, some Complaints may be satisfied by requesting that Alleged Infringers post an attribution statement. If so, please propose the attribution statement that will satisfy your Complaint and indicate where such attribution statement should be posted/included by the Alleged Infringer. Alternatively, some Complaints require either partial modification of content (e.g., deletion or modification of lines of code) or complete removal of content (e.g., deletion of a file or an image). Please make your expectations from a compliance perspective as clear and reasonable as possible.
- Your Contact Information. Please provide us with: a) your full name, and (if applicable) the registered company’s name that owns the mark; b) your email address; c) your telephone number; and d) your physical address.
- Contact Information—Alleged Infringer. Please provide us with any information you might have about the Alleged Infringer, which may include: a) their full name, and (if applicable) the registered company’s name that has appropriated the Allegedly Infringing Material; b) their email address; c) their telephone number; and d) their physical address. If you only have their username on an Analog Devices webpage/website/platform, that may satisfy this requirement.
- This Attestation Statement: “I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.”
- Signature. Please include your physical (ink) or electronic (DocuSign, or otherwise) signature as part of your Complaint.