LTspice: Parametric Plots

Aug 6 2013
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Plotting results in LTspice is as easy as clicking on a node to show voltage, or a component to show current—the trace is then displayed in the waveform viewer. In transient analysis, the horizontal axis defaults to showing time, but you can always change the horizontal axis to show other quantities (such as current) to validate model parameters.

To change the default settings of the X-axis:

  1. Click on a node/component to plot its voltage/current in the waveform viewer.
  2. Move the cursor to the horizontal axis of the waveform viewer (the cursor will turn into a ruler) and right-click.
  3. In the Horizontal Axis dialog, enter an expression for the “Quantity Plotted.
  4. Click OK.

About The Authors

Gabino Alonso
Gabino Alonso is currently the director of strategic marketing for the Power by Linearâ„¢ Group. Prior to joining ADI, Gabino held various positions in marketing, engineering, operations, and education at Linear Technology, ...

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