Abstract background with dark blue tones, featuring curved lines and binary code patterns, symbolizing digital connectivity and technology.

Quality Management Systems

Analog Devices follows a rigorous zero-defect mindset to deliver the highest quality solutions to our customers. We engage with our customers early in the development process and employ a meticulous scientific approach to integrate quality and reliability from product conception through release. Supported by our Quality Management Systems and customer-centric philosophy, ADI ensures a disciplined product development process and the highest level of responsiveness to customer quality needs to help you meet or exceed internationally recognized standards.

ADI is at the forefront of building world-class quality, environmental, and health and safety management systems around known and respected international standards. Early deployment, registration, and continuous improvement of these systems have served as the foundation of the Enterprise Excellence philosophy that has made ADI a recognized innovator in the semiconductor industry.

Enterprise Excellence

High quality and continuous improvement values are part of ADI’s DNA. Supported by scientific problem-solving methodologies Lean Six-Sigma and Total Quality Management, our processes ensure alignment between improvement activities and strategic objectives. These practices drive efficient work, process control, and continuous improvement of business systems.

ADI supports its drive for Enterprise Excellence through emphasis on people development, continuous improvement, and enterprise alignment, accelerating the rate of learning to realize new heights of innovation excellence. We learn from each other, our customers, and our suppliers, and we work together to drive improvements in our products, services, and operations.

Enterprise Excellence image

Change Management and Customer Communication

Product Change Notice (PCN) Policy

Analog Devices (ADI) operates a change management system for product and process changes. Before evaluating a proposed change, a cross-functional Change Board reviews each request, assessing the potential impact and qualification requirements.

Product Change Notices

Our Product/Process Change Notice (PCN) policy complies with JEDEC-Standard 046 (J-STD-046). ADI notifies customers of changes that may affect device form, fit, function, quality, or reliability. ADI reserves the right to make changes to products without notice when such changes do not interfere with the general purpose (form, fit, function, quality, or reliability) for which such devices are manufactured. If a change affects published specifications, the specifications will be updated the next time the datasheet is published.

Product Change Notifications are published to customers at least 90 days before the implementation and shipping of the changed material. PCNs are located under the Documentation section of the Product Detail Page.

PCNs will contain, at a minimum, the following information:

  • PCN number
  • Publication date
  • Effectivity date, which is the earliest possible date a customer could expect to receive changed material.
  • Description of change
  • Reason for change
  • Anticipated impact of the change (positive or negative) on fit, form, function, quality, or reliability
  • Analog Devices model numbers affected by the change
  • Supporting information
  • Contact information

Customer Acknowledgment

Customers should promptly submit an acceptance or concern response after receiving the PCN communication. Requests for samples of changed material or additional information must be made within 30 days of the notification. In accordance with JEDEC Standard 046 (J-STD-046), customers should acknowledge receipt of the PCN within 30 days of delivery. Lack of acknowledgment within 30 days constitutes acceptance of the change. After acknowledgment, a lack of additional requests within 90 days also constitutes acceptance of the change.

Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is a standardized process in the automotive industry that streamlines the communication and approval of production designs and processes before, during, and after manufacturing. ADI complies with the AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) PPAP.

Regional Contacts for PCN Consultation

Questions on our PCN policy or a particular PCN can be directed to one of the four Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) regional contacts below or your local ADI sales contact.

Product Discontinuance Notice (PDN) Policy

ADI’s Product Discontinuance Notice (PDN) policy complies with JEDEC-Standard 048 (J-STD-048). Our PDNs provide a standard 12-month Last Time Buy (LTB) period and an 18-month Last Time Ship (LTS) period from the date of notification.

Product Discontinuance Notices

PDNs are located under the Documentation section of the Product Detail Pages. PDNs will contain, at a minimum, the following information:

  • PDN number
  • Publication date
  • Last Time Buy date
  • Last Time Ship date
  • Reason for Discontinuance
  • Analog Devices models affected by the notice
  • Recommended Replacement Parts
  • Supporting information, and
  • Contact information

Regional Contacts for PDN Consultation

Questions on ADI’s PDN policy or a particular PDN can be directed to one of the four Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) regional contacts below or your local ADI sales contact.