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Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) Measurement Solutions

Analog Devices’ oxygen saturation (SpO2) measurement application products are powered by low power, integrated optical sensing, and transmitting technology.

These signal chains have enhanced programmability and best-in-class signal-to-noise ratios to accommodate different body locations, even under a challenging perfusion index. Discrete, high-precision amplifiers and converters are offered for the highest clinical-grade performance use cases. Our products offer improved oxygen saturation measurement performance.


Value and Benefits

Our wide range of discrete and integrated analog front ends (AFE) and power solutions help our customers design the next generation of state-of-the-art wearable oxygen saturation equipment. Our high-performance microprocessors, and solutions for motion control and consumable authentication RF interfaces enhance real-time connectivity and provide safety features to be built into wearables.

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Offers best-in-class signal-to-noise ratios

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Enables the highest clinical-grade use cases

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Allows enhanced programmability

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