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In response to global disruptions, many organizations are recognizing that supply networks once built for the sake of efficiency lack the resilience needed in an uncertain world. Digitalization, re-shoring, and automation are creating new choices that businesses leaders must navigate as they prepare for the future. Martin Cotter, Analog Devices’ SVP of Industrial and Multi-Markets, joined a panel of experts for an event held in collaboration with the Financial Times to discuss the opportunities, challenges, and next steps in building more resilient, digitized supply networks.

Featured Participants:

  • Martin Cotter, Senior Vice President, Industrial and Multi-Markets at Analog Devices
  • Sarah Greenfield, EUAU Supply Chain Transformation Director at General Mills
  • Axel Karlsson, Senior Partner and Global Co-Convener of Operations Practice at McKinsey & Company
  • Patrik Sjöstedt, EMEA Regional Business Leader, Manufacturing & Resources Industry at Microsoft
  • Anna Gross, Paris Reporter at Financial Times (Moderator)

Featured Video Segments:

Improving Supply Chain Visibility

As organizations seek to improve their supply chains, they need a foundation of actionable information. In this segment, Martin Cotter and a panel of experts discuss supply chain visibility and the importance of data to decision making.

Decision Making and Supply Chain Automation

The interconnectedness of supply chains means that having connected data systems isn’t the only requirement for intelligent decision making. Analog Devices’ Martin Cotter and a panel of expertise discuss the importance of trust across the supply chain, the ability of automation to mitigate volatility, and the barriers to greater adoption of automation.

The Role of Government in Supply Chain Resilience

Re-shoring, reductions in volatility, and gains in productivity mean that supply chain resilience is in the national of interests of countries across the globe. In this segment, a panel of experts discuss the opportunities for government action and the potential benefits.

End-to-End Visibility and Competition

With increased visibility across supply networks, some organizations may be concerned about proprietary information being made available to competitors or that the sharing of information may reduce competition for new entrants. Analog Devices’ Martin Cotter and a panel of experts discuss the importance, considerations, and opportunities for end-to-end visibility and data sharing.