Product How-to: Precise Wireless Temperature Sensor Powers Itself

Jun 13 2014
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Block Diagram - Precise wireless temperature sensor powers itself

Block Diagram - Precise wireless temperature sensor powers itself

In case you missed it, LTC’s Kris Lokere recently wrote an article for EDN describing a circuit combining Dust, Energy Harvesting, and precision temperature sensing. Specifically, it describes a reference circuit showcasing:

  • Dust Networks wireless - LTP5901-IPM SmartMesh IP Mote
  • Energy Harvesting - LTC3330 Nanopower Buck-Boost DC/DC, which in this circuit has a main cell and solar cell for battery life extension
  • Precision temperature sensing - LTC2484 24-bit delta sigma ADC, sampling a thermistor
  • Voltage Reference - LTC6654, which is duty-cycled by the circuit for low average current draw

A PDF copy of the article can be found at:

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