Optimizing CAN Node Bit Timing to Accommodate Digital Isolator Propagation Delays

Jul 1 2014
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Controller area network (CAN), standardized under ISO 11898, is widely used in industrial and automotive applications. CAN protocols such as DeviceNet or CANOpen rely on the built-in error checking and differential signaling. Galvanic isolation can further enhance robustness, offering immunity to high voltage transients at a cost of added propagation delay. The optimal configuration of CAN nodes can allow the maximum data rate and distance even when isolation is present.

Why Propagation Delay Matters

Propagation delay can affect concurrent transmissions and arbitration between nodes. Arbitration relies on CAN signaling; a logic 0 is “dominant” (differential voltage between bus lines) and a logic 1 is “recessive” (all outputs high impedance), meaning a dominant bit will overwrite a recessive bit. All nodes monitor the bus while transmitting and stop if this occurs when they transmit a recessive bit, allowing another node to win arbitration (Node A in Figure 1).

Figure 1. Arbitration Between Two Nodes.

The propagation delay must not be too large or the bus state could be monitored before the other nodes dominant state propagates. For nodes A and B in Figure 2, the round trip time is critical, TPropAB plus TPropBA, or twice the delay through the cable and transceivers, including isolation if present. Digital isolators reduce the propagation delay compared to optocouplers, but the total allowable propagation delay in a system is fixed, so adding isolation may decrease the maximum cable distance.

Figure 2. Arbitration with Propagation Delay.

Compensating For Propagation Delay

To compensate for propagation delay added by isolation, specific CAN controller parameters can be adjusted. First a baud rate prescaler (BRP) value is set for the CAN controller clock, defining the “time quantum” (TQ) that the bit time is divided into. These fit into 3 or 4 segments as shown in Figure 2; one for synchronization and several for propagation delay (PROP) and phase segments 1 and 2 (PS1 and PS2). PS2 and the total TQ dictate the position of the sample point.

Step 1: Match Clock, Prescaler, And Data Rate

The first step for a given data rate is to check what combinations of clock and BRP allow an integer number of TQ. Examples for 1 Mbps are shown in Table 1 for an Analog Devices ADSP-BF548 Blackfin® microprocessor with a built-in CAN controller. Typical system clock (fsclk) values are used, with integer numbers of TQ in bold (valid clock/BRP combinations for 1 Mbps).

Table 1. Clock and BRP Combination for 1 Mbps
BF548: #TQ for 1 Mbps
fsclk BRP = 5 BRP = 6 BRP = 7 BRP = 8
133 26.6 22.167 19 16.625
100 20 16.667 14.286 12.5
50 10 8.3333 7.143 6.25
40 8 6.667 5.714 5

Step 2: Bit Segment Configuration

The next step is to define the bit segments and set the sample point as late as possible. For each valid option in Table 1, one TQ must be allowed for the SYNC segment, and the TSEG2 (PS2) segment must accommodate the CAN controller processing time (<1 TQ for BF548, as long as BRP > 4). TSEG1 (PROP + PS1) is 16 TQ maximum.

Figure 3 shows possible configurations for the ADSP-BF548 with the latest sample point possible for 1 Mbps. All the configurations except for 5 TQ total are at least 85% sample point, but the optimum is 10 TQ, requiring fsclk = 50 MHz with BRP = 5.

Figure 3. Possible BF548 Bit Segments for Maximum Propagation Delay at 1 Mbps.

Step 3: Calculate Bus Length

The last step is to determine the maximum propagation delay under the optimum configuration and decide what cable length is possible with the chosen CAN transceiver/isolation. The maximum propagation delay possible is 900 ns for the processor’s optimum configuration shown in Figure 3.

The Analog Devices ADM3053 shown in Figure 4 integrates a CAN transceiver, digital isolator, and isolated power. The loop delay of 250 ns includes the isolator (500 ns for two nodes). Assuming a cable propagation delay of 5 ns/m, this means a bus length of 40 meters (maximum for 1 Mbps per ISO 11898) is possible with the BF548.

Figure 4. Isolated CAN Node Using ADM3053 with Integrated isoPower.


Controller area network (CAN), standardized under ISO 11898, is widely used in industrial and automotive applications. CAN protocols such as DeviceNet or CANOpen rely on the built-in error checking and differential signaling. Galvanic isolation can further enhance robustness, offering immunity to high voltage transients at a cost of added propagation delay. The optimal configuration of CAN nodes can allow the maximum data rate and distance even when isolation is present.

About The Authors

Dr. Conal Watterson
Dr. Conal Watterson is a principal marketing engineer with the Factory and Process Automation End Market Team at Analog Devices in Limerick, Ireland. A Ph.D. and M.Eng. graduate of the University of Limerick since 2010, Co...

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