LTC3779EFE Demo Board | 16V ≤ VIN ≤ 120V, VOUT = 48V @ 10A at up to 99% Efficiency

Sep 10 2017
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Demonstration circuit 2456A is a high voltage, high efficiency synchronous buck-boost DC/DC converter with a 16V to 120V input voltage range. It can supply a 10A maximum load current with a 48V output. The demo board features the LTC3779EFE controller. The constant frequency current mode architecture allows a phase-lockable frequency of up to 600kHz, while an optional output current feedback loop provides support for applications such as battery charging. With a wide input range, wide output range and seamless transfers between operation modes, the LTC3779 is ideal for Industrial, Automotive, Medical, Military and Avionics applications.


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