Interfacing an SPI-Interface RTC with a PIC Microcontroller

Aug 25 2003
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This application note provides an example schematic and software for using the DS1305 real-time clock (RTC) with a PIC microcontroller. The DS1305 is connected to the PIC using the SPI interface. A serial RS-232 port is used for data input and output.

Pin Configuration

Pin Configuration


The DS1305 real-time clock (RTC) can be interfaced with a microcontroller (µC) using a 3-wire or an SPI interface. This application note shows how to connect a DS1305 to a PIC16F628µC. The DS1306 could also be used in this application.

The circuit uses a serial interface for communications. A terminal program with user control of the RS232 DTR control line is required. DTR is used to reset the µC and start code execution. A DS232 is used to perform TTL/RS232 level translation.

A schematic of the circuit is shown in Figures 1 and 2. The software is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 1. PIC16F628 interface.

Figure 1. PIC16F628 interface.

Figure 2. DS1305 daughter card.

Figure 2. DS1305 daughter card.

Figure 3. Code for Demo

#include <>
      list p=16F628
      __config H'3F2A'
      ; this config gives us LVP and enables /MCLR
      errorlevel -302             ; don't print message for operands that are not in bank 0

; define the baud rate for the hardware uart
#define BAUD_VALUE 0x15           ; 0x15 sets the baud rate to 57600 with a 20.0MHz

#define      SPI_CLK       PORTA,1       ; spi bus clock line
#define      SPI_MOSI      PORTA,2       ; spi master out data
#define      SPI_MISO      PORTA,3       ; spi slave input data
#define      SPI_CE        PORTA,4       ; chip enable for SPI device

SCRATCH      equ 0x40                    ; 1 by general purpose scratchpad
TMP          equ 0x41                    ; temp register
TMP2         equ 0x42                    ; temp register
COUNT        equ 0x43
YRS          equ 0x44
MON          equ 0x45
DOW          equ 0x46
DAYS         equ 0x47
HRS          equ 0x48
MINS         equ 0x49
SECS         equ 0x4a

user_bits    equ 0x2C                    ; this is 0x0C for the 16F84
save_w       equ 0x38
save_status  equ 0x39

      bcf STATUS, RP0
      bcf STATUS, RP1

      bsf    STATUS, RP0
      bcf    STATUS, RP1

      org 0x00
      goto START

;---------------   start   ---------------
      org 0x0A

      ; turn off the comparator for porta
      movlw 0x07
      movwf CMCON

      ; turn off the voltage reference module
      movlw 0x00
      movwf VRCON

      clrf   PORTA                       ; initialize PORTA
      movlw  0x08                        ; RA3 read (high-z)
      movwf  TRISA                       ; set pins for input or output
      bsf    OPTION_REG, 7               ; turn weak pull-ups on all inputs

      movlw  0x07                        ; Initialize CMCON
      movwf  CMCON

      call uart_init

      movlw  banner-1                    ; move label address into W register
      call   write                       ; print string starting at address of label

      call   uart_getchar                ; returns character in W
      call   uart_putchar                ; echo
      movwf  TMP
      bcf    TMP,5                       ; convert to upper case
      movf   TMP,W                       ; put back in W
      xorlw  'S'                         ; write to RTC
      btfss  STATUS,Z
      goto   not_ss
      call   set_clock ; set the clock using data from user
      goto   CheckForCommands
      movf   TMP,W                       ; retrieve character
      xorlw  'R'                         ; read from RTC
      btfss  STATUS,Z
      goto   not_rr
      call   read_clock                  ; display time and date via serial port
      goto   CheckForCommands
      goto CheckForCommands

;---         uart routines             ---

;---- send a byte through the serial port ----

      btfss PIR1, TXIF
      goto charwait1
      movwf TXREG

;---- get a byte from the serial port ----

      btfss  PIR1, RCIF                  ; is data avalible?
      goto   charwait2                   ; if not then wait
      movfw  RCREG

;----- initialize the serial port -----

      movlw  BAUD_VALUE                  ; set the baud rate
      movwf  SPBRG                       ; mov baudreg into SPBRG, set baud rate
      bcf    TXSTA, SYNC                 ; clear SYNC bit, asynchronous mode
      bsf    TXSTA, BRGH                 ; BRGH=1, high speed SP mode.
      bsf    TXSTA, TXEN                 ; enable transmission
      bcf    PIE1, RCIE                  ; disable serial port interrupt


       bsf   RCSTA, SPEN                 ; set SPEN bit, serial port enable
       bsf   RCSTA, CREN                 ; set CREN bit, serial port receive enable
       return                            ; return

;--   text strings for user interface  --
      dt     "\n\rDS1305 SPI DEMO\n\rR)ead time S)et time\n\r",0h
      dt     "\n\rYear (0-99): ",0h
      dt     "Month (1-12): ",0h
      dt     "Day of Week (1-7): ",0h
      dt     "Date (1-28,29,30,31): ",0h
      dt     "Hour (0-23): ",0h
      dt     "Minute (0-59): ",0h
      dt     "Second (0-59): ",0h

;--    character conversion routines    --

;--------- ascii to bcd ----------
      clrf TMP                           ; clear temp reg
      call   uart_getchar                ; returns character in W
      call   uart_putchar                ; echo to screen
      xorlw  0dh                         ; if cr, Z will be set
      btfss  STATUS,Z                    ; skip if clear
      goto   bcd                         ; go to bcd if Z=0
      movf   TMP,W                       ; done, move final value to W
      return                             ; and return
      xorlw  0dh                         ; restore value
      addlw  -30h                        ; subtract ascii offset
      btfsc  W,4                         ; jump if not A-F
      addlw  -7                          ; if A-F, subtract 7
      andlw  0x0f                        ; clear upper nibble
      bcf    TMP,4                       ; clear upper nibble of temp reg
      bcf    TMP,5
      bcf    TMP,6
      bcf    TMP,7
      movwf  SCRATCH                     ; save W
      movf   TMP,W                       ; copy TMP to W
      movwf  TMP2                        ; save TMP
      movf   SCRATCH,W                   ; restore W
      movwf  TMP                         ; TMP now has org W value
      movf   TMP2,W                      ; W now has org TMP value
      swapf  TMP2,W                      ; swap nibbles
      iorwf  TMP,W                       ; insert bits 0-3 of TMP to W
      movwf  TMP                         ; move W into temp reg
      goto   gobcd                       ; continue until CR is encountered

;--         convert bcd to ascii          --
;-- entry: W=bcd value exit: W=last ascii --
      movwf  TMP                         ; save W
      swapf  TMP,W                       ; swap nibbles
      andlw  0x0f                        ; clear bits 4-7
      addlw  0x06                        ; add 6
      btfss  STATUS,DC                   ; if a-f, DC=1
      goto   lessnine                    ; if DC=0, < 9, so goto lessnine
      addlw  0x31                        ; add 31h to make ascii
      goto   digit1                      ; skip to output
      addlw  0x2a                        ; add offset for 0-9 to make ascii
      call   uart_putchar                ; print char
      movf   TMP,W                       ; restore W
      andlw  0x0f                        ; clear bits 4-7
      addlw  0x06                        ; add 6
      btfss  STATUS,DC                   ; if a-f, DC=1
      goto   lessnine2                   ; if DC=0, < 9, so goto lessnine
      addlw  0x31                        ; add 31h to make ascii
      goto   digit2                      ; skip to output
      addlw  0x2a                        ; add offset for 0-9 to make ascii
      call uart_putchar ; print char

;--           display RTC data             --
      call   RTC_brst_rd                 ; get the data from the RTC
      movf   YRS,W
      call   writebcd
      movlw  '/'
      call   uart_putchar
      movf   MON,W
      call   writebcd
      movlw  '/'
      call   uart_putchar
      movf   DAYS,W
      call   writebcd
      movlw  ' '
      call   uart_putchar
      movf   DOW,W
      call   writebcd
      movlw  ' '
      call   uart_putchar
      movf   HRS,W
      call   writebcd
      movlw  ':'
      call   uart_putchar
      movf   MINS,W
      call   writebcd
      movlw  ':'
      call   uart_putchar
      movf   SECS,W
      call   writebcd
      movlw  0x0d                        ; cr
      call uart_putchar

;-- write to the RTC with user-entered data --
      movlw  year-1                      ; prompt user for data (year)
      call   write
      call   readbcd                     ; get the data
      movwf  YRS                         ; save it

      movlw  month-1                     ; prompt user for data (month)
      call   write
      call   readbcd
      movwf  MON

      movlw  date-1                      ; prompt user for data (month)
      call   write
      call   readbcd
      movwf  DAYS

      movlw  dow-1                       ; prompt user for data (month)
      call   write
      call   readbcd
      movwf  DOW

      movlw  hour-1                      ; prompt user for data (month)
      call   write
      call   readbcd
      movwf  HRS

      movlw  minute-1                    ; prompt user for data (month)
      call   write
      call   readbcd
      movwf  MINS

      movlw  second-1                    ; prompt user for data (month)
      call   write
      call   readbcd
      movwf  SECS

      call   RTC_brst_wr                 ; now write data to RTC

;--           RTC routines              --
      bsf    SPI_CLK                     ; assert SCLK for CPOL=1
      bsf    SPI_CE                      ; assert CE
      movlw  0h                          ; seconds register read address
      call   write_RTC                   ; send the address
      call   read_RTC                    ; read the seconds data
      movwf  SECS                        ; save it
      call   read_RTC                    ; and so on
      movwf  MINS
      call   read_RTC
      movwf  HRS
      call   read_RTC
      movwf  DOW
      call   read_RTC
      movwf  DAYS
      call   read_RTC
      movwf  MON
      call   read_RTC
      movwf  YRS
      bcf    SPI_CE                      ; de-assert CE


      bsf    SPI_CLK                     ; assert SCLK for CPOL=1
      bsf    SPI_CE                      ; assert CE
      movlw  08fh                        ; control register write address
      call   write_RTC
      movlw  0                           ; clear write protect
      call   write_RTC
      bcf    SPI_CE                      ; de-assert CE

      bsf    SPI_CLK                     ; assert SCLK for CPOL=1
      bsf    SPI_CE                      ; assert CE
      movlw  08fh                        ; control register write address
      call   write_RTC
      movlw  0                           ; enable osc, disable interrupts
      call   write_RTC
      bcf    SPI_CE                      ; de-assert CE

      bsf    SPI_CLK                     ; assert SCLK for CPOL=1
      bsf    SPI_CE                      ; assert CE
      movlw  80h                         ; send seconds register write address
      call   write_RTC
      movf   SECS, W
      call   write_RTC
      movf   MINS, W
      call   write_RTC
      movf   HRS, W
      call   write_RTC
      movf   DOW, W
      call   write_RTC
      movf   DAYS, W
      call   write_RTC
      movf   MON, W
      call   write_RTC
      movf   YRS, W
      call   write_RTC
      bcf    SPI_CE                      ; de-assert CE


;---- Read RTC into W (assume address already sent) ----
;----           assumes CE is asserted              ----
      movlw  08h                         ;Send 8 bits
      movwf  COUNT

      rlf    TMP, 1

      bcf    SPI_CLK                     ; clock data out

      bcf    TMP, 0                      ; assume data out is low
      btfsc  SPI_MISO
      bsf    TMP, 0                      ; if data out=1, set bit

      bsf    SPI_CLK
      decfsz COUNT, 1
      goto   SPI_read_loop

      movf   TMP, W


;--- Write the byte in W to RTC ---
;---- assumes CE is asserted ----
      movwf  TMP                         ;Save the data
;--- Do a SPI bus write of byte in 'TMP' ---
      movlw  08h                         ;Send 8 bits
      movwf COUNT

      bcf    SPI_CLK

      bcf    SPI_MOSI                    ; assume data out is low
      btfsc  TMP, 7
      bsf    SPI_MOSI                    ; if data out=1, set bit

      rlf    TMP, 1
      bsf    SPI_CLK                     ; clock it in
      decfsz COUNT, 1
      goto   SPI_w_loop

;-- pclsub used for indirect addressing --
      incf   SCRATCH,F                   ; advance table pointer
      movf   SCRATCH,W                   ; move table pointer to W
      movwf  PCL                         ; jump to address pointed by PCLATH,W

;--      write a string to USART       --
      movwf  SCRATCH                     ; FSR = string address
      call   pclsub                      ; advance pointer and read pointed byte
      addlw  0h                          ; if contents are zero, Z will be set
      btfsc  STATUS,Z                    ; skip if clear
      return                             ; current character is null: end of string
      call   uart_putchar                ; print one character
      goto   GoWrite                     ; loop


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