Interfacing an SPI-Interface RTC with a PIC Microcontroller
This application note provides an example schematic and software for using the DS1305 real-time clock (RTC) with a PIC microcontroller. The DS1305 is connected to the PIC using the SPI interface. A serial RS-232 port is used for data input and output.
Pin Configuration
The DS1305 real-time clock (RTC) can be interfaced with a microcontroller (µC) using a 3-wire or an SPI™ interface. This application note shows how to connect a DS1305 to a PIC16F628µC. The DS1306 could also be used in this application.
The circuit uses a serial interface for communications. A terminal program with user control of the RS232 DTR control line is required. DTR is used to reset the µC and start code execution. A DS232 is used to perform TTL/RS232 level translation.
A schematic of the circuit is shown in Figures 1 and 2. The software is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 1. PIC16F628 interface.
Figure 2. DS1305 daughter card.
Figure 3. Code for Demo
#include <> list p=16F628 __config H'3F2A' ; this config gives us LVP and enables /MCLR errorlevel -302 ; don't print message for operands that are not in bank 0 ; define the baud rate for the hardware uart #define BAUD_VALUE 0x15 ; 0x15 sets the baud rate to 57600 with a 20.0MHz crystal #define SPI_CLK PORTA,1 ; spi bus clock line #define SPI_MOSI PORTA,2 ; spi master out data #define SPI_MISO PORTA,3 ; spi slave input data #define SPI_CE PORTA,4 ; chip enable for SPI device SCRATCH equ 0x40 ; 1 by general purpose scratchpad TMP equ 0x41 ; temp register TMP2 equ 0x42 ; temp register COUNT equ 0x43 YRS equ 0x44 MON equ 0x45 DOW equ 0x46 DAYS equ 0x47 HRS equ 0x48 MINS equ 0x49 SECS equ 0x4a user_bits equ 0x2C ; this is 0x0C for the 16F84 save_w equ 0x38 save_status equ 0x39 SET_BANK0 MACRO bcf STATUS, RP0 bcf STATUS, RP1 ENDM SET_BANK1 MACRO bsf STATUS, RP0 bcf STATUS, RP1 ENDM org 0x00 RESET: goto START ;----------------------------------------- ;--------------- start --------------- ;----------------------------------------- org 0x0A START: ; turn off the comparator for porta SET_BANK0 movlw 0x07 movwf CMCON ; turn off the voltage reference module SET_BANK1 movlw 0x00 movwf VRCON SET_BANK0 clrf PORTA ; initialize PORTA movlw 0x08 ; RA3 read (high-z) SET_BANK1 movwf TRISA ; set pins for input or output bsf OPTION_REG, 7 ; turn weak pull-ups on all inputs SET_BANK0 movlw 0x07 ; Initialize CMCON movwf CMCON call uart_init CheckForCommands: movlw banner-1 ; move label address into W register call write ; print string starting at address of label call uart_getchar ; returns character in W call uart_putchar ; echo movwf TMP bcf TMP,5 ; convert to upper case movf TMP,W ; put back in W xorlw 'S' ; write to RTC btfss STATUS,Z goto not_ss call set_clock ; set the clock using data from user goto CheckForCommands not_ss: movf TMP,W ; retrieve character xorlw 'R' ; read from RTC btfss STATUS,Z goto not_rr call read_clock ; display time and date via serial port goto CheckForCommands not_rr: goto CheckForCommands ;----------------------------------------- ;--- uart routines --- ;----------------------------------------- ;---- send a byte through the serial port ---- uart_putchar: charwait1: btfss PIR1, TXIF goto charwait1 movwf TXREG return ;---- get a byte from the serial port ---- uart_getchar: charwait2: btfss PIR1, RCIF ; is data avalible? goto charwait2 ; if not then wait movfw RCREG return ;----- initialize the serial port ----- uart_init: SET_BANK1 movlw BAUD_VALUE ; set the baud rate movwf SPBRG ; mov baudreg into SPBRG, set baud rate bcf TXSTA, SYNC ; clear SYNC bit, asynchronous mode bsf TXSTA, BRGH ; BRGH=1, high speed SP mode. bsf TXSTA, TXEN ; enable transmission bcf PIE1, RCIE ; disable serial port interrupt SET_BANK0 bsf RCSTA, SPEN ; set SPEN bit, serial port enable bsf RCSTA, CREN ; set CREN bit, serial port receive enable return ; return ;---------------------------------------- ;-- text strings for user interface -- ;---------------------------------------- banner: dt "\n\rDS1305 SPI DEMO\n\rR)ead time S)et time\n\r",0h year: dt "\n\rYear (0-99): ",0h month: dt "Month (1-12): ",0h dow: dt "Day of Week (1-7): ",0h date: dt "Date (1-28,29,30,31): ",0h hour: dt "Hour (0-23): ",0h minute: dt "Minute (0-59): ",0h second: dt "Second (0-59): ",0h ;----------------------------------------- ;-- character conversion routines -- ;----------------------------------------- ;--------- ascii to bcd ---------- readbcd: clrf TMP ; clear temp reg gobcd: call uart_getchar ; returns character in W call uart_putchar ; echo to screen xorlw 0dh ; if cr, Z will be set btfss STATUS,Z ; skip if clear goto bcd ; go to bcd if Z=0 movf TMP,W ; done, move final value to W return ; and return bcd: xorlw 0dh ; restore value addlw -30h ; subtract ascii offset btfsc W,4 ; jump if not A-F addlw -7 ; if A-F, subtract 7 digit: andlw 0x0f ; clear upper nibble bcf TMP,4 ; clear upper nibble of temp reg bcf TMP,5 bcf TMP,6 bcf TMP,7 movwf SCRATCH ; save W movf TMP,W ; copy TMP to W movwf TMP2 ; save TMP movf SCRATCH,W ; restore W movwf TMP ; TMP now has org W value movf TMP2,W ; W now has org TMP value swapf TMP2,W ; swap nibbles iorwf TMP,W ; insert bits 0-3 of TMP to W movwf TMP ; move W into temp reg goto gobcd ; continue until CR is encountered ;-- convert bcd to ascii -- ;-- entry: W=bcd value exit: W=last ascii -- writebcd: movwf TMP ; save W swapf TMP,W ; swap nibbles andlw 0x0f ; clear bits 4-7 addlw 0x06 ; add 6 btfss STATUS,DC ; if a-f, DC=1 goto lessnine ; if DC=0, < 9, so goto lessnine addlw 0x31 ; add 31h to make ascii goto digit1 ; skip to output lessnine: addlw 0x2a ; add offset for 0-9 to make ascii digit1: call uart_putchar ; print char movf TMP,W ; restore W andlw 0x0f ; clear bits 4-7 addlw 0x06 ; add 6 btfss STATUS,DC ; if a-f, DC=1 goto lessnine2 ; if DC=0, < 9, so goto lessnine addlw 0x31 ; add 31h to make ascii goto digit2 ; skip to output lessnine2: addlw 0x2a ; add offset for 0-9 to make ascii digit2: call uart_putchar ; print char return ;--------------------------------------------- ;-- display RTC data -- ;--------------------------------------------- read_clock: call RTC_brst_rd ; get the data from the RTC read_regs: movf YRS,W call writebcd movlw '/' call uart_putchar movf MON,W call writebcd movlw '/' call uart_putchar movf DAYS,W call writebcd movlw ' ' call uart_putchar movf DOW,W call writebcd movlw ' ' call uart_putchar movf HRS,W call writebcd movlw ':' call uart_putchar movf MINS,W call writebcd movlw ':' call uart_putchar movf SECS,W call writebcd movlw 0x0d ; cr call uart_putchar return ;--------------------------------------------- ;-- write to the RTC with user-entered data -- ;--------------------------------------------- set_clock: movlw year-1 ; prompt user for data (year) call write call readbcd ; get the data movwf YRS ; save it movlw month-1 ; prompt user for data (month) call write call readbcd movwf MON movlw date-1 ; prompt user for data (month) call write call readbcd movwf DAYS movlw dow-1 ; prompt user for data (month) call write call readbcd movwf DOW movlw hour-1 ; prompt user for data (month) call write call readbcd movwf HRS movlw minute-1 ; prompt user for data (month) call write call readbcd movwf MINS movlw second-1 ; prompt user for data (month) call write call readbcd movwf SECS call RTC_brst_wr ; now write data to RTC return ;----------------------------------------- ;-- RTC routines -- ;----------------------------------------- RTC_brst_rd: bsf SPI_CLK ; assert SCLK for CPOL=1 bsf SPI_CE ; assert CE movlw 0h ; seconds register read address call write_RTC ; send the address call read_RTC ; read the seconds data movwf SECS ; save it call read_RTC ; and so on movwf MINS call read_RTC movwf HRS call read_RTC movwf DOW call read_RTC movwf DAYS call read_RTC movwf MON call read_RTC movwf YRS bcf SPI_CE ; de-assert CE return RTC_brst_wr: bsf SPI_CLK ; assert SCLK for CPOL=1 bsf SPI_CE ; assert CE movlw 08fh ; control register write address call write_RTC movlw 0 ; clear write protect call write_RTC bcf SPI_CE ; de-assert CE bsf SPI_CLK ; assert SCLK for CPOL=1 bsf SPI_CE ; assert CE movlw 08fh ; control register write address call write_RTC movlw 0 ; enable osc, disable interrupts call write_RTC bcf SPI_CE ; de-assert CE bsf SPI_CLK ; assert SCLK for CPOL=1 bsf SPI_CE ; assert CE movlw 80h ; send seconds register write address call write_RTC movf SECS, W call write_RTC movf MINS, W call write_RTC movf HRS, W call write_RTC movf DOW, W call write_RTC movf DAYS, W call write_RTC movf MON, W call write_RTC movf YRS, W call write_RTC bcf SPI_CE ; de-assert CE return ;---- Read RTC into W (assume address already sent) ---- ;---- assumes CE is asserted ---- read_RTC: movlw 08h ;Send 8 bits movwf COUNT SPI_read_loop: rlf TMP, 1 bcf SPI_CLK ; clock data out bcf TMP, 0 ; assume data out is low btfsc SPI_MISO bsf TMP, 0 ; if data out=1, set bit bsf SPI_CLK decfsz COUNT, 1 goto SPI_read_loop movf TMP, W return ;--- Write the byte in W to RTC --- ;---- assumes CE is asserted ---- write_RTC: movwf TMP ;Save the data ; ;--- Do a SPI bus write of byte in 'TMP' --- ; SPI_write: movlw 08h ;Send 8 bits movwf COUNT SPI_w_loop: bcf SPI_CLK bcf SPI_MOSI ; assume data out is low btfsc TMP, 7 bsf SPI_MOSI ; if data out=1, set bit SPI_w_cont: rlf TMP, 1 bsf SPI_CLK ; clock it in decfsz COUNT, 1 goto SPI_w_loop return ;----------------------------------------- ;-- pclsub used for indirect addressing -- ;----------------------------------------- pclsub: incf SCRATCH,F ; advance table pointer movf SCRATCH,W ; move table pointer to W movwf PCL ; jump to address pointed by PCLATH,W ;---------------------------------------- ;-- write a string to USART -- ;---------------------------------------- write: movwf SCRATCH ; FSR = string address GoWrite: call pclsub ; advance pointer and read pointed byte addlw 0h ; if contents are zero, Z will be set btfsc STATUS,Z ; skip if clear return ; current character is null: end of string call uart_putchar ; print one character goto GoWrite ; loop END
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