CATV dBm, dBmV, and dBµV Conversions

Jul 17 2002


Cable television systems are based on 75Ω interfaces, while most RF test equipment is 50Ω impedance. This paper presents the needed conversions between power and voltage levels in the two environments. Two tables are provided for easy look-up of the appropriate conversion factor.


CATV circuits operate in a 75Ω environment. Most RF laboratories equipped with standard test instruments employ 50Ω as the standard interface impedance.

In this application note, it will be shown that:

dBmV = 46.9897 + dBm50Ω
dBmV = 48.7506 + dBm75Ω
dBµV = 60 + dBmV
dBµV = 106.98 + dBm50Ω
dBµV = 108.75 + dBm75Ω

dBmV and dBµV

Most CATV measurements are referenced to voltage and measured in dBmV or dBµV. In the classic definition, dBmV is referenced to 1mVRMS and output voltage (VOUT) is measured in mVRMS (Equation 1). Since Equation 1 is a ratio of voltage, it can also be measured in mVP-P referenced to 1mVP-P or any voltage unit as long as the same units are used.

Inspection of Equation 1 shows dBmV to be independent of impedance.

In the classic definition, dBµV is referenced to 1µVRMS and output voltage (VOUT) is measured in µVRMS (Equation 2). Since Equation 1 is a ratio of voltage, it can also be measured in µVP-P referenced to 1µVP-P or any voltage unit as long as the same units are used.

Inspection of Equation 2 shows dBµV to be independent of impedance.

Conversion of dBm to dBmV

dBm is defined in Equation 3.

POUT is measured in mW. The dBm is referenced to 1mW. Equation 3 does depend on impedance of the load as shown in Equation 4. Most RF equipment has a 50Ω load or input impedance. Equation 3 is still valid for any load impedance including 75Ω.

Power depends on load impedance. Equation 4 equates power to voltage and load impedance.

Rearranging terms,

Solving Equation 3 for POUT,

Solving Equation 1 for VOUT,

Substituting Equation 3.1 and Equation 1.1 into Equation 4.1,

Solving for dBmV in terms of dBm,

Using R = 50Ω,

Equation 5.2 is valid for 50Ω measurement equipment.

Solving Equation 5.1 using R = 75Ω,

Equation 5.3 is valid for 75Ω measurement equipment.

Using the same technique it can be shown that the relationship for dBµV to dBmV is

Table 1 and Table 2 show conversions between dBmV, dBµV and dBm in a 50Ω and 75Ω environment.

Table 1. Conversions of Power 50Ω
dBmV dBµV dBm 50Ω mVRMS mW 50Ω
8 68 -38.99 2.51 1.3E-04
9 69 -37.99 2.82 1.6E-04
10 70 -36.99 3.16 2.0E-04
11 71 -35.99 3.55 2.5E-04
12 72 -34.99 3.98 3.2E-04
13 73 -33.99 4.47 4.0E-04
14 74 -32.99 5.01 5.0E-04
15 75 -31.99 5.62 6.3E-04
16 76 -30.99 6.31 8.0E-04
17 77 -29.99 7.08 1.0E-03
18 78 -28.99 7.94 1.3E-03
19 79 -27.99 8.91 1.6E-03
20 80 -26.99 10.00 2.0E-03
21 81 -25.99 11.22 2.5E-03
22 82 -24.99 12.59 3.2E-03
23 83 -23.99 14.13 4.0E-03
24 84 -22.99 15.85 5.0E-03
25 85 -21.99 17.78 6.3E-03
26 86 -20.99 19.95 8.0E-03
27 87 -19.99 22.39 0.010
28 88 -18.99 25.12 0.013
29 89 -17.99 28.18 0.016
30 90 -16.99 31.62 0.020
31 91 -15.99 35.48 0.025
32 92 -14.99 39.81 0.032
33 93 -13.99 44.67 0.040
34 94 -12.99 50.12 0.050
35 95 -11.99 56.23 0.063
36 96 -10.99 63.10 0.080
37 97 -9.99 70.79 0.100
38 98 -8.99 79.43 0.126
39 99 -7.99 89.13 0.159
40 100 -6.99 100.00 0.200
41 101 -5.99 112.20 0.252
42 102 -4.99 125.89 0.317
43 103 -3.99 141.25 0.399
44 104 -2.99 158.49 0.502
45 105 -1.99 177.83 0.632
46 106 -0.99 199.53 0.796
47 107 0.01 223.87 1.002
48 108 1.01 251.19 1.262
49 109 2.01 281.84 1.589
50 110 3.01 316.23 2.000
51 111 4.01 354.81 2.518
52 112 5.01 398.11 3.170
53 113 6.01 446.68 3.991
54 114 7.01 501.19 5.024
55 115 8.01 562.34 6.325
56 116 9.01 630.96 7.962
57 117 10.01 707.95 10.024
58 118 11.01 794.33 12.619
59 119 12.01 891.25 15.887
60 120 13.01 1000.00 20.000
61 121 14.01 1122.02 25.179
62 122 15.01 1258.93 31.698
63 123 16.01 1412.54 39.905
64 124 17.01 1584.89 50.238
65 125 18.01 1778.28 63.246
66 126 19.01 1995.26 79.621
67 127 20.01 2238.72 100.237
68 128 21.01 2511.89 126.191
Table 2. Conversions of Power 75Ω
dBmV dBµV dBm 50Ω mVRMS mW 50Ω
8 68 -40.75 2.51 8.4E-05
9 69 -39.75 2.82 1.1E-04
10 70 -38.75 3.16 1.3E-04
11 71 -37.75 3.55 1.7E-04
12 72 -36.75 3.98 2.1E-04
13 73 -35.75 4.47 2.7E-04
14 74 -34.75 5.01 3.3E-04
15 75 -33.75 5.62 4.2E-04
16 76 -32.75 6.31 5.3E-04
17 77 -31.75 7.08 6.7E-04
18 78 -30.75 7.94 8.4E-04
19 79 -29.75 8.91 1.1E-03
20 80 -28.75 10.00 1.3E-03
21 81 -27.75 11.22 1.7E-03
22 82 -26.75 12.59 2.1E-03
23 83 -25.75 14.13 2.7E-03
24 84 -24.75 15.85 3.3E-03
25 85 -23.75 17.78 4.2E-03
26 86 -22.75 19.95 5.3E-03
27 87 -21.75 22.39 6.7E-03
28 88 -20.75 25.12 8.4E-03
29 89 -19.75 28.18 0.011
30 90 -18.75 31.62 0.013
31 91 -17.75 35.48 0.017
32 92 -16.75 39.81 0.021
33 93 -15.75 44.67 0.027
34 94 -14.75 50.12 0.033
35 95 -13.75 56.23 0.042
36 96 -12.75 63.10 0.053
37 97 -11.75 70.79 0.067
38 98 -10.75 79.43 0.084
39 99 -9.75 89.13 0.106
40 100 -8.75 100.00 0.133
41 101 -7.75 112.20 0.168
42 102 -6.75 125.89 0.211
43 103 -5.75 141.25 0.266
44 104 -4.75 158.49 0.335
45 105 -3.75 177.83 0.422
46 106 -2.75 199.53 0.531
47 107 -1.75 223.87 0.668
48 108 -0.75 251.19 0.841
49 109 0.25 281.84 1.059
50 110 1.25 316.23 1.333
51 111 2.25 354.81 1.679
52 112 3.25 398.11 2.113
53 113 4.25 446.68 2.660
54 114 5.25 501.19 3.349
55 115 6.25 562.34 4.216
56 116 7.25 630.96 5.308
57 117 8.25 707.95 6.683
58 118 9.25 794.33 8.413
59 119 10.25 891.25 10.591
60 120 11.25 1000.00 13.333
61 121 12.25 1122.02 16.786
62 122 13.25 1258.93 21.132
63 123 14.25 1412.54 26.604
64 124 15.25 1584.89 33.492
65 125 16.25 1778.28 42.164
66 126 17.25 1995.26 53.081
67 127 18.25 2238.72 66.825
68 128 19.25 2511.89 84.128

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