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Evaluation Hardware
Part Numbers with "Z" indicate RoHS Compliance. Boards checked are needed to evaluate this circuit.
- MAXREFDES106# ($650.00) Health Sensor Platform 4.0
The MAXREFDES106# Health System Platform 4.0 is a chest patch reference design that performs vital sign monitoring (VSM). The system uses high sensitivity photoplethysmography (PPG), electrocardiogram (ECG), and bioimpedance (BioZ), Temperature biosensors and algorithms measure blood oxygenation (SpO2), heart rate (HR), respiration rate (RR), impedance cardiography (ICG), body impedance analysis (BIA), and skin/ambient temperatures. The vital signs data can be streamed through low-energy Bluetooth® to a PC graphical user interface (GUI) for demonstration, evaluation, and customized development.
Features & Benefits
- Photoplethysmography (PPG)
- Biopotential Measurement (ECG)
- Bioimpedance Measurement (BioZ)
- Skin and Ambient Temperature
- Embedded Heart Rate (HR), Respiration Rate (RR), Oxygen Saturation (SpO2), Impedance Cardiography (ICG), and Body Impedance Analysis (BIA) Algorithms
- Location Finder to Determine the Optimal Placement Location on the Chest
- Motion and Acceleration
- Chest-Worn Form Factor
- Remote Patient Monitoring/Vital Sign Patch
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Details Section
The MAXREFDES106# enables the quick evaluation of the hardware and embedded firmware for blood oxygenation (SpO2), heart rate (HR), respiration rate (RR), impedance cardiography (ICG), body impedance analysis (BIA), and skin/ambient temperatures for a chest-worn platform, which significantly shortens the development time for custom fitness, health, and clinical applications. Figure 1 shows the system diagram of MAXREFDES106#. Figure 2 is the summary of monitored vital signs, SpO2, ECG, RESP and Ambient/Skin temperatures.
The MAXREFDES106# platform includes the following key components:
- Sensor board:
- MAX86178 PPG/ECG/BioZ AFE, optical sensor with one Infrared light emitting diode (LED), one Red LED, and two photodiodes
- MAX32674C algo hub with an embedded algorithm of SpO2 monitoring
- MAX20356 power-management integrated circuit (PMIC)
- ADXL367 low-power, low-noise 3-axis accelerometer
- MAX32666 host MCU with on-board Bluetooth 5
- 256MB flash storage
- Temperature boards include one flexible PCB and one rigid PCB with the MAX30210 connected to an aluminum disc, respectively, for optimal skin and ambient temperature measurements.
- MAXDAP-TYPE-C board for use during a firmware upgrade for the micro board.
- 3D-printed enclosures and 3M double-sided tape.
- BLE USB dongle to ensure high data rate.
- Hardware design files, firmware, and software.
Figure 1. System Diagram.
Figure 2. GUI Vital Signs Plots Summary.
Tools & Simulations
Software Development
Documentation & Resources
MAXREFDES106 Design Files12/15/2022ZIP12 M
MAXREFDES106: Health Sensor Platform 4.0 User Guide (Rev. 2)9/3/2024PDF9 M
Unboxing MAXREFDES10612/12/2024
ADI´s Health Sensor Platform 4.012/12/2024
Body Vitals on Wearables: Your Body, Talking to You12/12/2024
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