Secure Connected Motion Control with Tom Sharkey

Jun 18 2024

Approximately 69% of electricity consumed by industry today is used by electric motor systems. Efficiency of these systems could be greatly improved with the addition of variable speed drives or VSDs, however only 20-30% of the 500 million AC motors deployed today are equipped with VSD’s. Many customers would like to replace their old motor control systems, to increase the efficiency and intelligence of their existing solutions, but there are many challenges to this, including cost and space requirements, security and privacy concerns, and ensuring the reliability and longevity of new systems.

In this video. Tom Sharkey, System Applications Engineer in the Industrial Edge, Motion and Robotics group at ADI introduces two easy-to-use reference designs, which can greatly simplify this challenging transition. The first solution introduced in this video is the ADI and Lattice Semiconductor flexible motor control platform. This was a collaborative development between ADI and Lattice Semiconductor, delivering a secure, intelligent high-performance motor control solution for design and evaluation. This solution integrates ADI's latest precision signal chains and connectivity solutions with low power FPGA solutions from Lattice. The platform utilises a low-power FPGA providing high-performance computation in a compact form factor. It incorporates encoder position and current/voltage feedback for effective closed loop motor control, improving motor efficiency and accuracy. On board security features such as Root of Trust, Secure Boot, and Secure Updates ensure secure industrial connectivity and supporting future compliance with the EU Cyber Resilience Act. The low-power, low latency, robust Ethernet PHYs offer reliable, real-time Ethernet connectivity in harsh industrial environments.

The second solution introduced is Voyager4. This is a wireless condition monitoring platform, using ADI’s high performance, low power, 3-axis MEMS accelerometers to gather motor health data. It features the MAX78000 edge-AI Microcontroller which enables AI insight generation, turning high quality vibration data into actionable motor health insights. It also includes a Bluetooth Low Energy Microcontroller, the MAX32666, which enables low-power wireless communication and improved device lifetime. With total demand for energy use in industrial motors set to almost double by 2040, adopting efficient motion control and intelligent monitoring solutions has never been more important in achieving a more sustainable future.

Secure Connected Motion Control with Tom Sharkey

Jun 18 2024

Approximately 69% of electricity consumed by industry today is used by electric motor systems. Efficiency of these systems could be greatly improved with the addition of variable speed drives or VSDs, however only 20-30% of the 500 million AC motors deployed today are equipped with VSD’s. Many customers would like to replace their old motor control systems, to increase the efficiency and intelligence of their existing solutions, but there are many challenges to this, including cost and space requirements, security and privacy concerns, and ensuring the reliability and longevity of new systems.

In this video. Tom Sharkey, System Applications Engineer in the Industrial Edge, Motion and Robotics group at ADI introduces two easy-to-use reference designs, which can greatly simplify this challenging transition. The first solution introduced in this video is the ADI and Lattice Semiconductor flexible motor control platform. This was a collaborative development between ADI and Lattice Semiconductor, delivering a secure, intelligent high-performance motor control solution for design and evaluation. This solution integrates ADI's latest precision signal chains and connectivity solutions with low power FPGA solutions from Lattice. The platform utilises a low-power FPGA providing high-performance computation in a compact form factor. It incorporates encoder position and current/voltage feedback for effective closed loop motor control, improving motor efficiency and accuracy. On board security features such as Root of Trust, Secure Boot, and Secure Updates ensure secure industrial connectivity and supporting future compliance with the EU Cyber Resilience Act. The low-power, low latency, robust Ethernet PHYs offer reliable, real-time Ethernet connectivity in harsh industrial environments.

The second solution introduced is Voyager4. This is a wireless condition monitoring platform, using ADI’s high performance, low power, 3-axis MEMS accelerometers to gather motor health data. It features the MAX78000 edge-AI Microcontroller which enables AI insight generation, turning high quality vibration data into actionable motor health insights. It also includes a Bluetooth Low Energy Microcontroller, the MAX32666, which enables low-power wireless communication and improved device lifetime. With total demand for energy use in industrial motors set to almost double by 2040, adopting efficient motion control and intelligent monitoring solutions has never been more important in achieving a more sustainable future.