FR2 Signal Generation Signal Chain using Apollo MxFE

Jun 18 2024

As wireless standards evolve from 5G to 6G, the complexity in electronic test and measurement systems increases. This demonstration highlights a complete wideband spectrum analyzer signal chain that supports the emerging 6G FR3 band with instrument grade error vector magnitude (EVM) performance of < -50dB. The reference design significantly reduces customer's development time since it includes the complete signal chain from the 6-18GHz RF Front End to Direct RF ADC (20GS/s) and supporting power and clocking solutions.

FR2 Signal Generation Signal Chain using Apollo MxFE

Jun 18 2024
As wireless standards evolve from 5G to 6G, the complexity in electronic test and measurement systems increases. This demonstration highlights a complete wideband spectrum analyzer signal chain that supports the emerging 6G FR3 band with instrument grade error vector magnitude (EVM) performance of < -50dB. The reference design significantly reduces customer's development time since it includes the complete signal chain from the 6-18GHz RF Front End to Direct RF ADC (20GS/s) and supporting power and clocking solutions.