EmStat Pico Embeddable Potentiostat Module by Analog Devices and PalmSens

Jul 10 2019

Co-developed by PalmSens BV and ADI, the EmStat Pico module is an embedded potentiostat in highly compact systems for electrochemical measurements, supporting techniques like Cyclic Voltammetry, Square Wave Voltammetry, and Impedance Spectroscopy.

Visit the ADUCM355 Product Page

EmStat Pico Embeddable Potentiostat Module by Analog Devices and PalmSens

Jul 10 2019
Co-developed by PalmSens BV and ADI, the EmStat Pico module is an embedded potentiostat in highly compact systems for electrochemical measurements, supporting techniques like Cyclic Voltammetry, Square Wave Voltammetry, and Impedance Spectroscopy.
Visit the ADUCM355 Product Page