Frequently Asked Question
How do I manage my Circuits from the Lab?
On the 'Circuits from the Lab' tab you can add a Circuit Note, manage your Circut Note bookmarks and manage your saved search filters.
Adding a Circuit Note:
There are two ways to add a circuit note:
- Type a circuit note number into the search.
- Use the 'Find Circuit Note' link. This will bring you to the 'Find Circuits From the Lab' page where you can search, filter and save your search filters.
Removing a Circuit Note:
You can remove a circuit note by selecting the check box next to the circuit note and selecting 'Remove' to save your updates.
Manage Saved Search Filters:
You can receive an email notification for one of your Circuits from the Lab search filters. To remove a saved filter select the box next to the filter and select 'Remove' to save your updates.