Frequently Asked Question
Can I input raw image data that comes from a high resolution still image source?
Yes. There are two methods to input raw image data to the ADV202:
- Over the VDATA bus using Raw Video Mode. This requires a synchronized pixel clock [Vclk] and HVF inputs along with the pixel data. HVF inputs are used in conjunction with the dimension register settings and define the image dimensions to be captured. Generally no horizontal or vertical blanking regions are expected with the input data. Refer to the ADV202/212 Programming Guide for Raw Video mode configuration.
- Over the HDATA bus. This requires the pixel data to be read into the part over the [up to] 32-bit interface that is also used for configuration of the part. Active region of image data to be captured is determined by register settings [XTOT, YTOT]. This interface is not synchronized to a pixel input clock. This mode is called Host Interface Pixel Interface mode [HIPI mode].
Maximum allowable image size is 1.048 Msamples/image. Images above this must be tiled prior to input to the ADV202/212.