
Features and Benefits

  • Proven Audio PCB Layout
  • On-Board USB Interface Circuit Generates I²C-Compatible Signals
  • PCB Pads for User-Supplied I²C-Compatible Signals
  • Surface-Mount Components
  • Windows 2000-, Windows XP-, and Windows Vista (32-Bit)-Compatible Software
  • Fully Assembled and Tested

Product Details

The MAX97002 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assembled and tested PCB that evaluates the MAX97002 mono Class D audio power amplifier and stereo Class H DirectDrive® headphone amplifier communicating over a 2-wire I²C interface. The EV kit features an on-board microcontroller for communicating with the I²C interface of the MAX97002. Pads are provided for accessing the analog inputs and amplifier outputs.

The MAX97002 EV kit requires a 2.7V to 5.5V supply for PVDD and a 1.8V supply for VDD.

Windows® 2000-, Windows XP®-, and Windows Vista®-compatible software is provided to facilitate configuration. The software controls an on-board microcontroller over USB, which generates I²C commands.


  • Cell Phones
  • Portable Multimedia Players

Applicable Parts