
Features and Benefits

  • CCCV, Thermally Regulated Linear Single-Cell Li+ Battery Charger
  • No External MOSFET, Reverse-Blocking Diode, or Current-Sense Resistor
  • Programmable Fast-Charge Currents (1ARMS max)
  • Programmable Top-Off Current Threshold
  • Input Overvoltage-Protected 4.7V Output (SAFEOUT) from DC
  • Proprietary Die Temperature Regulation Control (+115°C)
  • 4.25V to 28V Input-Voltage Range with Input Overvoltage Protection Above +7.5V
  • Low-Dropout Voltage (300mV at 500mA)
  • Input Power-Source Detection Output (Active-Low POK), Charge Status Output (Active-Low CHG), and Charge-Enable Input (Active-Low EN)
  • Output for Autobooting (MAX8845Z = ABO, MAX8845Y = Active-Low ABO)
  • Lead(Pb)-Free and RoHS Compliant

Product Details

The MAX8845Z evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assembled and tested PCB for evaluating the MAX8845Z/MAX8845Y 28V linear Li+ battery chargers.

The MAX8845Z EV kit features an overvoltage-protected LDO output (SAFEOUT) for low-voltage-rated USB or charger inputs in the system, and a battery pack detection circuit (DETBAT) that disables the IC when the battery pack is absent. The IC disables charging if the input sources exceed 7.5V to protect against unqualified or faulty AC adapters. The MAX8845Z EV kit also features an adjustable fast-charge current set by an external resistor (R1) and an adjustable top-off current threshold set by an external resistor (R2).

Other features include an active-low control input (EN) and an active-low input power source detection output (POK). The IC also contains a booting assistant circuit that distinguishes input sources and battery connection, and provides an output signal (MAX8845Z = ABO, MAX8845Y = active-low ABO) for system booting.

To evaluate the MAX8845Y version, order the MAX8845YETC+ along with the MAX8845ZEVKIT+ and see the Evaluating the MAX8845Y section.


  • Bluetooth® Equipment
  • Cellular and Cordless Phones
  • Charging Cradles and Docks
  • Digital Still Cameras
  • MP3 Players
  • Smart Phones and PDAs
  • USB Appliances