Features and Benefits
Product Details
The MAX8597 evaluation kit (EV kit) demonstrates the MAX8597/MAX8598/MAX8599 step-down DC-DC controller application circuits. The EV kit contains two circuits. The MAX8597 circuit demonstrates a voltage-controlled power supply used for DC fan control capable of up to 10A of current. This circuit accepts inputs from 10.8V to 13.2V and generates an output of 6V to 12V depending on the VADJ input. The MAX8598/MAX8599 circuit demonstrates a point-of-load power supply. The circuit accepts inputs from 10.8V to 13.2V and delivers 20A of current at a 1.2V output.
The MAX8597 circuit switches at 600kHz and has up to 97% efficiency with the supplied components. The MAX8598/MAX8599 circuit comes with the MAX8599 installed. It switches at 500kHz and has up to 87% efficiency with the supplied components. This circuit can be used to evaluate the MAX8598 with no external component changes. This EV kit comes fully assembled and tested.
- Chipset Power Supplies
- Nonisolated Power Modules
- Tracking Power Supplies (MAX8597)
- Variable-Speed DC Fan Power Supplies (MAX8597)