
Features and Benefits

  • 1.7V to 5.25V Single-Supply Operation
  • PC-USB to 3-Wire Interface or Stand-Alone 3-Wire Serial-Interface Operation
  • Easy-to-Use Menu-Driven Software
  • Includes Windows 2000-, Windows XP-, and Windows Vista-Compatible Software
  • Fully Assembled and Tested

Product Details

The MAX5391L and MAX5391N evaluation kits (EV kits) are fully assembled and tested PCBs that feature the MAX5391L (10kΩ) and MAX5391N (100kΩ) dual digital potentiometers, respectively. The MAX5391L/MAX5391N dual volatile potentiometers communicate through an SPI™-compatible 3-wire serial interface.

The MAX5391LEVMINIQU+ and MAX5391NEVMINIQU+ evaluation systems (EV systems) include the MAX5391L EV kit and MAX5391N EV kit, respectively, and a MINIQUSB+ interface board. The MINIQUSB+ interface board can be used to enable PC communication through the USB interface. Windows® 2000-, Windows XP®-, and Windows Vista®-compatible software provides a professional user interface for exercising the MAX5391L/MAX5391N features. The program is menu-driven and offers a graphical user interface (GUI) complete with buttons, track bars, and edit boxes. The EV kit software can be used to evaluate the MAX5386M, MAX5393, and MAX5388. The EV kits can also be interfaced directly to a user-supplied 3-wire system.

The MAX5391L/MAX5391N ICs can be powered from a 1.7V, 2.6V, 3.3V, or 5V source generated from the MINIQUSB+ interface board and EV kit circuitry, or a user-supplied external 1.7V to 5.25V DC power supply. Order the MAX5391LEVMINIQU+ or MAX5391NEVMINIQU+ EV system for a PC-based evaluation of the MAX5391L or MAX5391N, respectively.

The EV kits also contain PCB footprints for the MAX5386M, MAX5388, and MAX5393. To evaluate these parts, order samples and install the ICs on U1, U4, and U3, respectively.


  • Adjustable Voltage References/Linear Regulators
  • Automotive Electronics
  • Low-Voltage Battery Applications
  • Mechanical Potentiometer Replacement
  • Offset and Gain Control
  • Portable Electronics