Features and Benefits
- Programmable Gain Options through I2C from 10V/V to 200V/V (8 steps)
- ±1μV (typ) Input Offset Voltage for REF1 = REF2 = VDD/2
- ±5μV (typ) Input Offset Voltage for REF1 = VDD and REF2 = GND for Gain = 20V/V
- ±0.01% (typ) Gain Error
- -5V to +70V Input Voltage Range
- -6V to +80V Protective Immunity
- 70kHz, -3dB Bandwidth for Gain = 20V/V
- 145dB DC CMRR
- Rail-to-Rail Output
- 3mm x 3mm TDFN-10 Package
- -40°C to +125°C Temperature Range
Product Details
The MAX49918 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully tested and assembled circuit that demonstrates the capabilities of the MAX49918, a high-precision, wide measurement range, programmable gain, bidirectional current-sense amplifier that monitors two distinct current levels.
The gain of MAX49918 is programmed by I2C communication.
The MAX49918 EV kit operates over the automotive temperature range of -40°C to +125°C.
The EV kit reserves a PCB footprint so that a MAX32625PICO board can be soldered on it. With the MAX32625PICO board, users can control the gain conveniently with the GUI software.
System Requirements
- MAX49918 EV kit
- 0 to 70V DC power supply for VCM input
- +3.3V, 100mA DC power supply
- Electronic load capable of sinking 3A
- One 6½ digital multimeter (DMM like 34401A)
- One 8½ digital multimeter (DMM like Agilent 3458)
Documentation & Resources
MAX49918EVKIT: Evaluation Kit for the MAX49918 (Rev. 0)10/20/2023PDF1 M
MAX49918EVKIT Gerber Files10/20/2023ZIP922 K