Features and Benefits
- Modular Antenna Board with Tuning and Matching Networks
- ISO 14443 Type A/B EMV Compliant Contactless Reader
- 4 x 4 Secure Keypad
- Triple Track Magnetic Stripe Reader
- Arm JTAG 20-Pin Header
- 128MB QSPI XIP Flash
- USB 2.0 Micro B to Serial UART Bridge, Configurable to UART0 or UART1
- USB 2.0 Micro B Interface
- All Analog and GPIOs Accessed Through 0.1in Headers
- Touch-Enabled 3.5in 320 x 240 Color TFT Display
- Six Dynamic Pattern Security Self-Destruct I/O Signals Available Through a 0.1in Header
- Two Smart Card Readers with Support for Legacy 5V Cards, One Full and One SIM/SAM
- Two General-Purpose LEDs and Three General-Purpose Pushbutton Switches
Product Details
The MAX32560 EV kit provides a platform for evaluating the capabilities of the DeepCover® secure microcon-troller (MAX32560). It integrates an Arm® Cortex® -M3 processor to provide embedded security solutions to cloak sensitive data under multiple layers of advanced physical security and provide the most secure key storage possible.
- ATM Keyboards
- Contact/Contactless Pin Pads
- EMV Card Reader
- PCI Mobile Payment Terminals (mPOS)
Applicable Parts
Documentation & Resources
MAX32560-KIT Gerber Files5/11/2023ZIP682K