
Features and Benefits

  • HS I²C-Compatible Interface (1.7MHz)
  • Fast I²C-Compatible Interface (400kHz)
  • Standard I²C-Compatible Interface (100kHz)
  • Proven PC Board Layout
  • Fully Assembled and Tested
  • EV Kit Software Supports Windows® 98/2000/XP with RS-232/COM Ports
  • EV Kit Software Supports Windows 2000/XP with USB Ports

Product Details

The MAX1169 evaluation system (EV system) is a complete high-speed I²C-compatible 16-bit data-acquisition system consisting of a MAX1169 evaluation kit (EV kit), Maxim 68HC16MODULE-DIP microcontroller (µC) module, USBTO232, and a HS I²C-compatible module.

The HSI2CMOD has a proven HS-mode I²C-compatible interface that supports the MAX1169's maximum 2-wire serial clock frequency of 1.7MHz. This solution is implemented on this module by using an Altera EPM3256AQC208-10-programmable logic device (PLD) and a DI2CM core from Digital Core Design.

Order the complete EV system (MAX1169EVC16) for a comprehensive evaluation of the MAX1169 using a personal computer (PC). Order the EV kit (MAX1169EVKIT) separately to evaluate the MAX1169 with a user-supplied HS/fast/standard- mode I²C-compatible interface.

To evaluate the MAX1169A_UD or MAX1169B_UD, request a free sample of the MAX1169A_UD or MAX1169B_UD when ordering the MAX1169 EV kit.


  • Battery-Powered Test Equipment
  • Handheld Portable Applications
  • Medical Instruments
  • Receive Signal Strength Indicators
  • Solar-Powered Remote Systems
  • System Supervision

Applicable Parts