Product Details
ADL5350-EVALZ is a fully populated, 4-layer, FR4-based evaluation board. The board has two halves: a low band board designated as Board A for 850 MHz down-converting evaluation; and a high band board designated as Board B for 1950 MHz down-converting evaluation. Each half of the board requires a 3 V/19 mA power supply for normal operation. The 3 V power supply should be connected to the clip leads VPOS-A, VPOS-B, GND-A and GND-B. All signal ports are populated with edge-mounted SMA connectors. RF-A, RF-B, LO-A, and LO-B are RF and LO input ports of each half. IF-A and IF-B are the output ports of each half. The evaluation board also provides the prototype area for implementation of example circuits shown on ADL5350 data sheet.
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ADL5350 Gerber Files9/30/2011ZIP264 kB