Features and Benefits
- Fully featured evaluation board for the ADAQ7767-1
- On-board IEPE sensor interface
- On-board reference and power supply circuits
- PC software for control and data analysis of time and frequency domain
- System demonstration platform-compatible (SDP-H1, high speed controller board (EVAL-SDP-CH1Z))
- Optional PMOD connector
Product Details
The EV-ADAQ7767-1FMC1Z evaluation kit enables simple evaluation of the ADAQ7767-1, flexible resistive input, anti-alias, 24bit, 1 MSPS, µModule® data acquisition (DAQ) solution. The EVADAQ7767-1FMC1Z is used alongside a downloadable evaluation software to fully configure the features of the ADAQ7767-1 and display the conversion results in the time and frequency domains.
The EV-ADAQ7767-1FMC1Z connects to the USB port of a PC via the SDP-H1 system demonstration platform board. By default, the 3.3 V rail is supplied by the SDP-H1 and regulated by the on-board power solution to ±15 V and +5.3 V to power the ADAQ7767-1 and its support components. An integrated electronic piezoelectric (IEPE)-interface and a pair of input buffers are included to evaluate the ADAQ7767-1 across a variety of input types.
For a full description of the ADAQ7767-1, see the ADAQ7767-1 data sheet, which must be consulted in conjunction with this user guide when using the EV-ADAQ7767-1FMC1Z evaluation board. For the current schematic, layouts, and bill of materials, see the EVAL-ADAQ7767-1 product page.
Applicable Parts
Documentation & Resources
EVAL-ADAQ7767-1 Schematic3/28/2024PDF559 K
UG-2195: EVAL-ADAQ7767-1 User Guide (Rev. 0)3/28/2024PDF2M
EVAL-ADAQ7767-1 Bill of Materials3/28/2024CSV17 K
EVAL-ADAQ7767-1 Design Files3/28/2024ZIP6 M