
Product Details

The AD9958 is a multichannel frequency synthesizer that incorporates two synchronous direct digital synthesis (DDS) cores with many user-programmable functions. The evaluation board software provides a graphical user interface for easy communication with the device along with many user-friendly features such as the “mouse-over effect.” Many elements of the software can be clarified by placing your mouse over the element. Figure 19 in the user guide shows how this feature works when users place their mouse over the Ref Clock box. The user guide is intended for use in conjunction with the AD9958 data sheet.


Evaluation Software

4.36 M
AD9958/AD9959 Evaluation Software (Rev. 2.0.0)
This is the main installer and is 64-bit compatible.
1.72 K
AD9958/AD9959 Evaluation Board USB Flash Programmer Readme
EVB flash readme: This file contains instructions for re-flashing an older eval board so that it's compatible with the 64-bit USB driver.
7.35 M
Evaluation Board USB Flash Programmer
Contains the EXE file for re-flashing the USB EEPROM.