
Product Details

The EVAL-AD79X4CBZ is obsolete. Please visit the AD7490 product page and AD7490 evaluation board page.

The EVAL-AD79X4CBZ is a fully featured evaluation kit for the AD7904, AD7914 and AD7924. Accompanying each EVAL-AD79X4CB is a sample box containing AD7924, one AD7914, and one AD7904. Depending on the ADC required for evaluation, the user can place the required ADC in the socket on the EVAL-AD79X4CB.

This board operates in stand alone mode or in conjunction with the Evaluation Controller board . When operated with the Evaluation Controller board, software is provided enabling the user to perform detailed analysis of the ADC's performance. This software includes the technical note describing the operation and set up of the evaluation board in standalone operation or when operated with the Evaluation Controller board.


Evaluation Software

AD7924/AD7914/AD7904 Software (zip, 5.49MB)
Included in the EVAL-AD79X4CB evaluation board package is software for controlling and evaluating the performance of the AD7924/AD7914/AD7904 when it is operated with the EVALUATION BOARD CONTROLLER. The EVAL-AD79X4CB Demonstration/Evaluation Software runs under Windows 95, 98, 2000 and NT. The user interface on the PC is via a dedicated program written especially for the EVAL-AD79X4.